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Any Canadian brides ever ship their OOT bag stuff to the USA?

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Hi All;


Unlike many of you, my actual wedding is going to be taking place in Florida. We're from Nova Scotia, Canada. And I have been troubled with the idea of all my OOT bag stuff and where I'm going to put it and how many family and friends' luggages I will have to practically take over to fit all the stuff into. I also really and truly want to have the guests get their bag delivered to their cabin on the cruise ship, I don't want to give it before we leave or at a welcome dinner or anything like that.


So my mother suggested shipping a few boxes down to Florida (probably to the hotel we'll be staying at the night before we get on the cruise ship, making arrangements with them beforehand of course) well in advance of when we leave. Now I know most people don't ship their stuff to their weddings because it is in Mexico or Jamacia or somewhere like that and it might get stuck at the border or whatever, but I'm wondering has anyone ever shipped from Canada to the US? Would it be ridiculously expensive (I mean I'm willing to pay some but not hundreds of dollars) to get a couple of boxes of my stuff to the US.


Do you think there would be a problem?


Also, I'm planning a trip to the US in August and again in November, but to Maine, which is still quite a ways from Florida, but at least I could ship from within the US to the US if you guys think that will save me any? Or is that even legal? lol confused.gif Plus the hotel would have to save it for months, i'd have to really trust the hotel I guess. And that's IF they'd even do it.


Any feedback would be appreciated! embarrest.gif



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I'm not sure exactly all the logistics about it or the price.  You should probably contact the hotel to even see if they would store your things until you got there.  Plus you would hate to risk if Canada Post went on strike again and your stuff never made it down there in time for your wedding.  Its probably just safer to take it with you, as much of a pain in the butt that is.

Originally Posted by DramaticAnnie View Post

Hi All;


Unlike many of you, my actual wedding is going to be taking place in Florida. We're from Nova Scotia, Canada. And I have been troubled with the idea of all my OOT bag stuff and where I'm going to put it and how many family and friends' luggages I will have to practically take over to fit all the stuff into. I also really and truly want to have the guests get their bag delivered to their cabin on the cruise ship, I don't want to give it before we leave or at a welcome dinner or anything like that.


So my mother suggested shipping a few boxes down to Florida (probably to the hotel we'll be staying at the night before we get on the cruise ship, making arrangements with them beforehand of course) well in advance of when we leave. Now I know most people don't ship their stuff to their weddings because it is in Mexico or Jamacia or somewhere like that and it might get stuck at the border or whatever, but I'm wondering has anyone ever shipped from Canada to the US? Would it be ridiculously expensive (I mean I'm willing to pay some but not hundreds of dollars) to get a couple of boxes of my stuff to the US.


Do you think there would be a problem?


Also, I'm planning a trip to the US in August and again in November, but to Maine, which is still quite a ways from Florida, but at least I could ship from within the US to the US if you guys think that will save me any? Or is that even legal? lol confused.gif Plus the hotel would have to save it for months, i'd have to really trust the hotel I guess. And that's IF they'd even do it.


Any feedback would be appreciated! embarrest.gif




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