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Hi All,


I am having my wedding next Friday, July 8th.  Leaving the US on Tuesday since we have to get there 3 days before.  It has been crazy getting responses from the WC's and I am going CRAZY!  At first, they told me they would communicate more with me as it got closer to the actual wedding day but it's 1 week before and I feel so lost!  I practically had to beg for someone to please call me and after a month, they finally did.  Well, that was it.  Pretty much all they said was that nothing is really confirmed until you get there 3 days before and nothing- even the head count, flowers, location, food, cake, etc had to be confirmed until we actually get to the resort.  I like to plan and especially when it is a wedding, my wedding, I want to make sure everything is taken care of!  I'm really nervous and I am sure everything will be ok but I need reassurance at this point that everything will be ok.  I have so many questions!  What is the prettiest place to do the reception?  What is the most private place to hold everything?  Is it too hot that the ballroom should be considered (even though this is a destination wedding so you think it should be outside?!  But after you read stuff like it was 109 degrees, you think "ok, maybe ballroom it is?")  I have a small wedding- 30 people total.  Do they have small tables that could fit approx 6 people to a table to spread everyone out a bit instead of cramming 10 people to a table and just having 3 tables?  As far as flowers, do they show you the actual flowers or just pictures?  Can you taste the food?  What food is yummies and must have?  Can you taste the cake?  I could keep going and going bc I just feel so lost  :(  I keep emailing and emailing and no one gets back to me and when they finally do, I get about 1/2 an answer.  Also, I started out with Melani as my WC, then she sent an email that she had been promoted and now I have Mercy who is impossible to get a hold of.  That switch happened about 2 months ago maybe even more and she still hasn't responded once.  I had to reach out to Melani again.  Then I get an email from Leticia last week.  Is she my new WC?  Well, 3 emails later and I have no clue still on anything that is going on?!  If anyone out there that has had a wedding in DPC can please help me, I would appreciate it sooooooooooooooo much!  Please help!  I'm freakin out.  I have exactly 4 days to pack, finish table cards, place cards, etc, etc before I leave.  I say 4 days because I am jam packed with work and other things like the civil ceremony (I am doing it here, at home bc of all the hassles of paperwork) on Thursday so I have VERY LITTLE time and no one is helping me!!!

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