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Was there a meaning behind your wedding date?

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Some of these stories are great. I knew I wanted a June wedding and my FI was ok with that (he's pretty easy going when it comes to any of the planning lol). I also knew his youngest sister would be graduating high school so I wanted to pick a time long enough after but not to close to the 4th of July that so it wouldn't be to rushed so I picked June 21, 2014. Well after telling some people of the date they all thought it was really cleaver since its the first day of summer (I had no idea until they had mentioned it) so now its easier to just tell people thats the reason on why we picked June 21 rather then it was just a convenient day lol. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Fi proposed Thanksgiving Day. We are getting married Thanksgiving Day 2015. We are normally with family anyway. In addition, everyone is usually off that Thursday - Sunday. We thought next year both sides of the families will vacation together, celebrating our union, and being thankful for all of the blessings around us.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We don't really have a special reason for our date. We knew we wanted May because its the beginning of the cheaper season, but still not too hot. And I picked the 5th because it worked well with the timing of our travel dates and well its also Cinco de Mayo and who wouldn't want to get married on Cinco de Mayo lol! Also pretty easy to remember. 05.05!

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