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Was there a meaning behind your wedding date?

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  • 1 year later...

I thought picking a date would be easy.  Originally we wanted it on the anniversary of us dating. But then we didn't...We were suggest June between our bdays (I'm the 16th he's the 27) But June is already a busy month...April is dedicated to my son...So recently I am have been playng with the idea of New Year's Eve! Feedback?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally Posted by brgephar View Post


We are getting married October 14th, 2013. Fi's birthday is in October and my birthday is March 14th so we "combined our birthdays" so to speak when choosing our wedding date. 

Actually this brings up a good question I've been having. I'd like some feedback:


Fi's birthday is actually on Halloween, and like I said mine is March 14th (Pi day to some as the mathematical constant Pi = 3.14159... So we have always had a running joke that together we are Pumpkin Pie lol.. I know we won't for the DW but would it be too cheesy to serve Pumpkin Pie at our AHR? Thoughts?

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Cool thread!


We are getting married December 5, 2012, almost a year to the day that we met each other at a DW in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Since we got together, we have always celebrated December 5 as our anniversary, so when it came to choosing a date for the wedding, my husband-to-be suggested December 5!


It's also exactly 6 months from my birthday, so it's easier for him to remember! (What's not easier to remember with iPhones these days anyways?)

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We are getting legally married before we leave for Mexico on May 17 which was my Grandma's birthday. The date was important to me and we couldn't coordinate it around flights to mexico so that was my deciding factor to get married in Canada before we left. 

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FI's birthday is August 7th, mine is August 20th, and our first date happened to be on February 27th. So I always liked the idea of getting married on the 27th as a way to sort of combine our birthdays and commemorate our first date. We wanted spring/summer and for it to be a Saturday, so that left us with April 27, 2013 or July 27, 2013. Ultimately decided on April because it was closer!

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