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Losing my "wedding planning mojo" Has anyone else felt this way?


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Hi ladies.....

As I have FINALLY reached my 150th post...(I struggled to get this far)...

I am beginning to lose my wedding planning mojo.  We don't get married until next year so I guess that could be part of it.  I look at all the planning being threads and wonder why I am not motivated as I was in the beginning.  I am still excited but I have really lost my mojo.....


Anyone feel this way during the process?  Will this feeling go away?  HELP ME FIND MY WEDDING PLANNING MOJO!!!undecided.gif

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Yes! I felt the same way. I just got my mojo back(sort of) I think my lack of planning is due to the fact that I have no real head count & didn't want to start anything until I have one. Also, I had over a year to go. Once the 11 month mark came(3 weeks ago) I thought wow that last month flew by and now that I think about it, it will be 10 months in just over a week!  But really the only thing I did in that time frame is buy a dress, make luggage & maraca tags! Lol! Not much and no where near as much as many of our fellow brides have done. I feel they put me to shame!! I also hate DIY projects as I am not crafty so this is another reason I feel that makes me not motivated to do anything.


Dont worry, I think many of us are with you or have been there. I feel that it comes in spurts & waves with me. Some days I am ready to start purchasing some items(havent!) then I feel eh, I got time...

This site has also helped me with all the pics posted. I went to a vista print thread(since VP is so overwhelming to me) on here that had tons of pics of what people did & honestly that is what motivated me to do the maraca tags. But I also feel like sometimes I need a break from "wedding" since I am on here everyday!!!! My obsession!! You will get it back! Dont worry!! 

And your day is May 20th! So you are 11 months, which will fly by! 

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girl...YES!!!  the mojo was on hiatus...the thing is..i got overwhelmed!  with..plans to lose weight...which dress to choose..what will my hair look like..makeup ideas...then there's the overall wedding plans...trip plans...paying for this..paying for that...my mind was like ENOUGH ALREADY!


so, i took it easy..enjoyed the engagement and decided i would restart 4 months until the wedding...that way, i could BREATH..and still have time to get everything together..i'm a planner by nature..so i tend to research...recycle and restart multiple times until i get EXACTLY what i want..i'm now there..i have the dress, the shoes, the decor on lock...my stationery suite is all set and now, i'm like, OK..I CAN DO THIS!


it'll come to you...relax..enjoy your man..your new status and when the time is right..the mojo will show up and you'll be rockin' and rollin', baby!!!


until next time, happy planning!!!



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Haha! I feel the same way! I feel like I fell off the "wedding wagon". My date is January 6 with an AHR of Jan 13 and we have yet to register. Finally did a few wedding related things the other day, now I feel like I'm getting some steam back! We just cane back from Italy (part of the reason I kept forgetting about wedding planning - I was so excited about that!) and I told my fiancé we should elope when we were in Venice or Rome but he wasn't having it, lol.

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JQ I feel your pain!!!!! I was all about it once things got rolling, we booked the date, booked our trip, did the DIY invites and were moving along nicely... invites sent out, started designing some monograms and other DIY stuff for our OOTS and over the last week or so everything has come to an extreme HALT!!!!!


I think the lack of head count is one reason for sure, I want to do OOTS but don't know how many people for sure, like R I am a planner so I want to go EVERYWHERE to price things and get ideas before I nail anything down.  I too am Vista Print overwhelmed, got a great FREE everything email the other day designed a ton of stuff and ordered nothing LOL


I expect my mojo to come back as summer slows down, since I have til Feb I feel like I can enjoy the summer a bit.  I pick up a few things here or there but that go go go I once had is slowly dwindling.... We will get our Mojo back together!! I am sure it will come.


Like R said, enjoy the engagement part!!!!!


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OMG glad I'm not the only one! I just get so overwhelmed by how together and organized everyone else is that I feel frustrated and disappointed with myself.  Glad others feel the same! Keep your eye on the prize girls! The final product of all this work is that you will be MARRIED!!!

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Ditto to everything! LOL.  I just started planning a few weeks ago and I feel like the list is endless.  With Brandon being in the military I can't even vent to him because I don't want to waste the precious time we have to talk complaining about everything.  Sighs...

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I feel the same way..  when i first got engaged i couldnt wait for my year mark to come to start planning but now i dread it.. im in the 1 yr mark in 2 days and have yet to book the venue!!. i do have the most important thing.. My dress!!!!! but i def think the fact that its a year away and the fact that i dont have a head count is a bit frustrating...

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