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Hi everyone!


Over the past year I have found so much inspiration from this site, and around the web, that I'm happy to finally show you my finished boarding pass STDs. I have included the prices of all of the supplies so you can get an idea of how cost effective it is to DIY!



I used off-white card stock paper for the boarding pass, and handmade paper with pressed hearts in it for the pocket (both of which I picked up at DeSerres: http://www.deserres.ca/en-ca/).


Card stock paper: $34.95 [100pk]

I was able to create 3 out of each piece of paper. Each boarding pass: $0.12


Handmade paper: $2.95 [1pc]

I was able to create 6 pockets out of each piece of paper. Each pocket: $0.49


For the envelopes, I used metallic silver (DeSerres) and a gorgeous ivory for the RSVP from Essence du Papier (http://www.essencedupapier.com/).


Metallic silver envelope: $28.95 [50pk]

Each envelope: $0.60


Ivory RSVP envelope: $0.75 each


We ordered the custom stamps from Canada Post (http://www.canadapost.ca/cpo/mc/personal/productsservices/picturepostage/default_en.html) with our picture on it.

I'm sorry, I don't know the price for these as my (soon to be) mother in law purchased them for us!


We included a small STD magnet as well, that we ordered from Vistaprint (http://www.vistaprint.ca) for FREE!


Our wonderful travel agent couriered her business cards to us so that we were able to include them in the STDs. This was so helpful as I didn't have to waste space putting all of her contact information on the boarding passes.


And finally, I found silver seals to put on the back of the envelopes from DeSerres.


Silver seal: $4.49 [50pk]

Each: $0.10


So in total, each boarding pass cost me: $2.06!


Note: I also purchased a perforator from DeSerres for $8.79 so that I could make them look even more authentic. By perforating it, our guests can fill out the RSVP section on the back of the boarding passes, tear them off, and send them back to us!


I used a template for the boarding passes and pockets that you can download for free at http://www.ayleebits.com/


I hope you guys like them! They were so much fun to make!!











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