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OOT Bags? How the heck am I going to get all of that to Jamaica??

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So I really want to make some OOT Bags for our guests but I am not trying to have 50 million pieces of luggage :(


I am thinking about just getting some personalized OOT Bags made and hoping we can find some great deals on items when we get there to fill them with.


Any Suggestions?


I was told to be careful about trying to ship anything to Jamaica because getting it from customs is a hastle.


Please help,



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Good question.....I will be thinking of the same thing.  I am considering on shipping mine down there before.  Maybe if you talk to the wedding coordinator of the resort, they may be able to give you easy shipping instructions.  There should be gift shops in the resort so that could be a possibility

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You could prepare them before you leave and send them out to your guests a few weeks early. 


We chose things for our OOT bags that will pack easy, such as bags that lie completely flat and can stack on top of each other without taking up to much room.

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We're going with the phrase... "that's what family and friends are for!" LOL  My parents pack light and can get both of their clothes in one bag, so they are taking another suitcase down with our OOT bags.  My bridemaids will be taking down flowers and ceremony programs, fiance's parents will take down our wedding favors and we will be taking down the rest.


I will be putting together the OOT bags this weekend to see how many I can fit in one bag.  There are 23 bags so we shall see!  I'm hoping I can get them all in 1 large suitcase, but I'm betting it will take two...

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We'll be 'using' my parents' and brothers' suitcases to pack some of the things as they always travel light. They already agreed.  We have checked with the airlines as well, and depending on what airline you're flying, you can have 2nd bag for anywhere between $25-$70.  We're not taking that much with us, but we will def. need the 2nd bag just because of the weight. 


We have originally thought to take the notebook/pads/stickies we got off vistaprint with us, but decided at the end, that we give those who have booked, which would exclude a lot extra luggage weight.  Since we'll be down there for 5 days prior to the wedding, if we need something extra, we can always try to find it at the store. 

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I think it depends on how many guests you have...but I already packed two carry-ons with some gifts, decorations and OOT bags. My FI will take one and my best friend is taking the other.  If we need a third, her husband will take one too.  I am just saving all of the liquids that can't go in a carry on to squeeze in our luggage.  I have also heard of people delivering them before they leave for the trip, but that wasn't something I wanted to budge on.  :oP  It is definitely a pain, but if it came down to it I think its worth the extra money to even check one more bag as luggage.  I have also heard NOT to ship.


Good luck!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's always a great idea to include some local things in the bags, to welcome guests to the location, so that could be a way to get around the need to pack everything.  Try local alcohols, soft drinks/juices, sweets, or packaged snacks.  It gives guests a way to try something new without having to pay for it, and gets them in the mood for vacation :) 

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