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Trying to write your new last name

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OMG so I was just practicing my new last new in my signature it felt so frigging weird. I was trying to do it fast like how I do my signature now and I kept making mistakes. This is going to take some time, to get used to or when I go to sign my name at the bank their going to think it's not me because of the mistakes and super long pause when I get to the part with the last name. Any one else tried to write your new name it is so weird but his last name is so much better then mine LOL


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  • 1 month later...

Every time I try to type my new last name, I get about three letters in before I realize that I automatically just type my maiden name. I haven't been able to change my name without a translation of our marriage cert, so I still have time to get used to writing it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My maiden name is SMITH...... I have ALWAYS wanted to get rid of it!!! Well over the last year of our engagement I think I must have embraced my generic last name and have become super attached to it!!!! I like how it sounds better than FIs name and how it flows with my first (probably because I am used to it).


I am lucky because FIs last name also starts with S so I don't have to come up with a new way to flow my signature just have to change the last part of the letters lol.... his is so loopy I always add extra letters or drop something along the way!!!!!!


Anyone having trouble with the idea of being called MRS. FI's last name???  Every time I hear it I think of my MIL and just can't get my head around being called that.  I know some brides love the idea of becoming MRS______ I am not sure I like it so much lol

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am not looking forward to my new last name for several reasons:

1. It's silly :) I will be Mrs. Brain next year, but if it's good enough for my FI and our future children, it's good enough for me.

2. My maiden name is a well recognized family name in my area, which has benefited me over the years.

3. I will have to be Wilkie-Brain about a year so that peers and colleagues get used to the new name.


So iN light of the above...I've already established myself as the future Mrs. "B" :)

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I'm sorry....I giggled a little bit when I read your new last name.....but you gotta take the good with the bad. My current last name is Hogan and I got teased a LOT growing up...and still a little to this day.  i.e are you related to Hulk Hogan...are you crocodile Dun dee's daughter (his real name was Paul Hogan). Along with Hogan's Heroes and the Hogan Family.  I am changing my last name to Johnson and people have already renamed me CJ.... : (.  I HATE that and we are going to the Johnson and Johnson (like the lotion).  But I love him and making the change is worth it to be his Mrs, for the rest of my life!

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