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Enough with the comments already

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So, I need to vent today a bit. 


We booked our wedding and opted for just the standard rooms, which is saving us a lot of money. Anyways, we have some guests (close friends actually) coming to our wedding, and they have opted for the higher category rooms.  Now, they keep asking us why we are just going to the regular rooms, it's our wedding blah blah blah...  anyways, I was talking with my bf and the moh who is just booking, and they were at our TAs and asked if we (the bride and groom) will get an upgrade.  TA said; depends on availablity etc (which is something we are aware of and if we arrive, I'm sure if the rooms are available, we will get it).  Then she said her FI will make sure we get the upgrade. Now my FI's bf did/said the same thing. 


All of this making me feel so small. We travel quite often with my FI for vacation, and we don't require the Ritz all the time.  This is why we can afford to vacation 2 times a year.   I know it is our wedding - but this is what we have chosen.  Most of our guests are in the standard room, this is what we booked - why can't people just leave it at that.  AND if they do want to be nice and ask/argue the upgrade for us, keep it to yourselves and make it a surprise.   We don't want to spend the additional 300/person to have a sitting area.  We rather use that towards our actual honeymoon a couple months later.  Why can't people  just leave it at that?

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That must be frustrating!  But you know, everyone will always have comments and opinions on what THEY think you should do.  Dust it off, because what matters is that you and your FI are happy with your choice.  You aren't going to spend the entire time in yhour room anyway! 


I have def learned through this whole planning experience how to ignore and tune people out....there will always be opinions!!  Don't let it bother you too much!  Enjoy your planning!

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Sorry that you're feeling frustrated, Bmadzia1. Don't let other people's opinions and comments bother you so much (although I know it's hard to ignore).  I feel the same way...I'd rather book a standard room and save the extra money for our honeymoon too!

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  • 3 weeks later...

People's opinions are just that OPINIONS! I'm sure they didn't mean any harm by it.  folks assume that when you get married you pull out all the stops, but when you marry its about what YOU and your future HUBBY want.  Hang in there girl, I will be checking in ROR on September 6th (wedding on the 10th) and will be around till the 14th.  I don't wanna see u running around the resort getting stressed because of what people think.  Do what u want chica!

Originally Posted by bmadzia1 View Post

So, I need to vent today a bit. 


We booked our wedding and opted for just the standard rooms, which is saving us a lot of money. Anyways, we have some guests (close friends actually) coming to our wedding, and they have opted for the higher category rooms.  Now, they keep asking us why we are just going to the regular rooms, it's our wedding blah blah blah...  anyways, I was talking with my bf and the moh who is just booking, and they were at our TAs and asked if we (the bride and groom) will get an upgrade.  TA said; depends on availablity etc (which is something we are aware of and if we arrive, I'm sure if the rooms are available, we will get it).  Then she said her FI will make sure we get the upgrade. Now my FI's bf did/said the same thing. 


All of this making me feel so small. We travel quite often with my FI for vacation, and we don't require the Ritz all the time.  This is why we can afford to vacation 2 times a year.   I know it is our wedding - but this is what we have chosen.  Most of our guests are in the standard room, this is what we booked - why can't people just leave it at that.  AND if they do want to be nice and ask/argue the upgrade for us, keep it to yourselves and make it a surprise.   We don't want to spend the additional 300/person to have a sitting area.  We rather use that towards our actual honeymoon a couple months later.  Why can't people  just leave it at that?


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Running around??? I'll by sitting around LOL.. I had a moment, the moment passed - I'm fine now LOL.  It's not that they WANT to do it for us, it's just the way people present the opinion to you, do you know what I mean? Kind of makes you feel cheap :(


We actually arrive on your wedding day... don't be surprised if you have some crazy chica yelling congrats LOL ..



Originally Posted by Soon2BNJersey View Post

People's opinions are just that OPINIONS! I'm sure they didn't mean any harm by it.  folks assume that when you get married you pull out all the stops, but when you marry its about what YOU and your future HUBBY want.  Hang in there girl, I will be checking in ROR on September 6th (wedding on the 10th) and will be around till the 14th.  I don't wanna see u running around the resort getting stressed because of what people think.  Do what u want chica!



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I know what u mean, glad your feeling better.. and if you see my wedding give me shout yell say hello! I will probably yell back, Heyy Girl!!!  I will know its you because anyone who knows me will be sitting with me already.  I am fun bride who doesn't believe in having everything done by the book. That's why we decided to do a destination wedding.  What day r u getting married?

Originally Posted by bmadzia1 View Post

Running around??? I'll by sitting around LOL.. I had a moment, the moment passed - I'm fine now LOL.  It's not that they WANT to do it for us, it's just the way people present the opinion to you, do you know what I mean? Kind of makes you feel cheap :(


We actually arrive on your wedding day... don't be surprised if you have some crazy chica yelling congrats LOL ..





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We're getting married on the 15th (Thursday).  We were originally scheduled to arrive on Monday (12th)evening, but our flight got changed to Sat 10th... I'll be there for five days prior to getting married.... well - it gives us 5 days for stag and staggetting LOL


Originally Posted by Soon2BNJersey View Post

I know what u mean, glad your feeling better.. and if you see my wedding give me shout yell say hello! I will probably yell back, Heyy Girl!!!  I will know its you because anyone who knows me will be sitting with me already.  I am fun bride who doesn't believe in having everything done by the book. That's why we decided to do a destination wedding.  What day r u getting married?



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Glad that your moment has passed.  I know where you were coming from though.  We are getting married on board a cruise and I keep getting the "what, you didn't book a suite for your wedding??!"  Nope, we booked an inside room, not even a window, let alone a balcony.

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Someone once said....."Opinions are like a$$holes....everyone has one...."  But I like to add to that....."Most of them stink!"

Don't let people make you feel any kind of way for the decisions you make for your wedding.  Just smile and say "Thank you.....we have already made our decision"cheesy.gif"Your opinion is neither desired or required".....(Can you tell I've been rehearsing this in my head???)  They have already started with me too.



Originally Posted by bmadzia1 View Post

So, I need to vent today a bit. 


We booked our wedding and opted for just the standard rooms, which is saving us a lot of money. Anyways, we have some guests (close friends actually) coming to our wedding, and they have opted for the higher category rooms.  Now, they keep asking us why we are just going to the regular rooms, it's our wedding blah blah blah...  anyways, I was talking with my bf and the moh who is just booking, and they were at our TAs and asked if we (the bride and groom) will get an upgrade.  TA said; depends on availablity etc (which is something we are aware of and if we arrive, I'm sure if the rooms are available, we will get it).  Then she said her FI will make sure we get the upgrade. Now my FI's bf did/said the same thing. 


All of this making me feel so small. We travel quite often with my FI for vacation, and we don't require the Ritz all the time.  This is why we can afford to vacation 2 times a year.   I know it is our wedding - but this is what we have chosen.  Most of our guests are in the standard room, this is what we booked - why can't people just leave it at that.  AND if they do want to be nice and ask/argue the upgrade for us, keep it to yourselves and make it a surprise.   We don't want to spend the additional 300/person to have a sitting area.  We rather use that towards our actual honeymoon a couple months later.  Why can't people  just leave it at that?


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