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For those with children....

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Like everything else involving a wedding the decision in how to include your children is a personal one. Every family is different and every family hs different needs to be met. Only you can know what is best for you, and your family. There is no right or wrong way to do things.


Iriebride it is difficult when raising a child with special needs, I do know something about that. You do not need to justify what is best for you and your family, there is no doubt you and your fh love his daughter and as a family you have probably experienced more obstacles then most couples. Have faith that you know what is best in regards to your family. You are right in reconizing that it would be difficult on your daughter taking her away from her surroundings, most places unfortunately are not equipped to make travelling easy if you have any kind of special needs. We unfortunately were faced with cruelty, and unsafe conditions on our trip with my daughter. Nicole thankfully was mentally equipped to deal with the unfortunate circumstances surrounding our travels, if she had not been our wedding vacation would have been detrimental to her well being. I wish you happiness and a stress free wedding.


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I did the single mom thing for the first part of Jude's life.


He was so excited when he found out that Michael and I were getting married (Michael is Jude's "best friend"), that there was no way he wasn't going to be part of our day.


He was our only attendant...best man/ringbearer, and I gave him a "family bracelet"--basically a surfer bracelet I got for all three of us in the same style that we all wear now.

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Our three children will be my bridesmaids (18, 17 and 7). I always wanted our two older children to be our witnesses but cannot as you are not allowed to have blood relatives as witnesses but they are more than happy to be bridesmaids.


I have to agree with everthing Dragonfly has said, a wise woman.


Dragonfly, I also think your family photograph is absolutely wonderful, you all look very happy and contented.




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Originally Posted by dragonfly View Post
Like everything else involving a wedding the decision in how to include your children is a personal one. Every family is different and every family hs different needs to be met. Only you can know what is best for you, and your family. There is no right or wrong way to do things.

Iriebride it is difficult when raising a child with special needs, I do know something about that. You do not need to justify what is best for you and your family, there is no doubt you and your fh love his daughter and as a family you have probably experienced more obstacles then most couples. Have faith that you know what is best in regards to your family. You are right in reconizing that it would be difficult on your daughter taking her away from her surroundings, most places unfortunately are not equipped to make travelling easy if you have any kind of special needs. We unfortunately were faced with cruelty, and unsafe conditions on our trip with my daughter. Nicole thankfully was mentally equipped to deal with the unfortunate circumstances surrounding our travels, if she had not been our wedding vacation would have been detrimental to her well being. I wish you happiness and a stress free wedding.
Thanks Kelly! I really appreciate your thoughts on this. (I had to send some karma points your way to thank you!) There is a part of me that does feel bad that we can't bring her, but I know that is just isn't best in our situation. Thanks for the well wishes!

I am completely floored that your daughter exerienced cruelty and craziness during your wedding trip! Unbelievable! I'm glad that it didn't mar your specialness of the trip overall. (Can't wait to read your wedding review!)
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When Buzz and I were married, 16 years ago today, as a matter of fact, his 2 kids were in the service and out of the country. My 4 were still minors and lived with me. My 2 oldest boys walked me down the aisle (daddy had already done this once so he was not hurt about it). My youngest son was the "ringworm", and Maggie was the flowergirl. It fealt so wonderful to have them all take a part in the wedding. We were very sad that Buzz's 2 were not able to be there, but there was nothing to be done about it. Now, when Maggie and Tadd are married in January, she will have both of her dads walk her down the aisle.

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I always wanted to get married...after having my kids! My dream of having a beach wedding with my 2 daughters (4 and 5) will finally come true this next December!


Both my daugthers will be my flower girls so Marc will have the rings on him until we exchange vows. During the ceremony, we will have the sand ceremony for the whole family so that my daughters are really part of the whole thing.

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I have a 8 year old and my FH has a 8 year old and a 12 year old. My daughter is going to be the jr. bride (bridesmaid), his son is going to be the ringbearer and his daughter is a bridesmaid. We will also be doing the sand ceremony. I haven't decided on what to exchange as a gift but I was thinking about rings until I have see some medallions that I really like. I'll keep you posted on what I choose.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd wondered what everyone else was doing. Great thread.


We have quadruplets...ya, you read right. hahahaha. We are parents 24/7 and know that even with the relatives attending, we won't be able to "shut off" the parenting extinct. Our crew just turned 2 last month, and will still only be 3 by the time of the wedding. I don't want to be worried about things.."Have they been fed? Where are they? Are they into something they shouldn't be? Are they too close to the water? Are they crying for me?". And I want our guests..even the close family members who WOULD happily care for them, to be able to just enjoy themselves.


So no, we aren't bringing them. They will attend the legal ceremony we have...because we want them to at least have a semi-understanding about whats happening and to be included as a family thing. We're not having it done at the courthouse or justice of the peace, we're having our pastor do it in his office as if it were a regular impromptu ceremony because we want him to be the one to marry us legally.


Besides, thats going to save us about another 1500+ in airfare alone.

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