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Weight Watchers for 2012 Brides

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Also, I've been making use of the WW Recipe Builder recently. It's a pretty handy little tool. I have a couple of recipes posted to my WW profile is anyone is interested. My username is deniden, just like here. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...



Originally Posted by rachelswedding View Post


does anyone know of hungry girl? some of the recipes are good! i bought a few books and she has stuff online!



I've heard of Hungry Girl, but I'm actually a bigger fan of Skinny Taste (www.skinnytaste.com)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ladies!


Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing!


I have my weigh-in tomorrow. I haven't lost or gained a thing in the past 2 weeks. I haven't really been following the plan on the weekends, as we've had weddings and been away, etc.


I just re-started C25K, along with training with a personal trainer once a week, so I'm hoping to see the scale move a bit. My body is definitely looking better, weight loss or not. :)


Hope everyone is doing well!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hiya ladies - glad to see everyone is having so much success on here!
I started WW's 5 weeks ago and am only down 6.1lbs. My 1st week I lost 4.4 and since then its only been around 0.5lb loss/week. SO FRUSTRATING!!!BangHead.gif

I was on the old WWs program a few years ago and had huge success.
This summer I tried the Dukan Diet because I wanted the quick results - and I got them..but couldn't sustain it so jumped off.
Knowing my past success with WW's I decided to give it another shot and just 'accept' that it will take me longer to lose.
But to be honest - I didn't think it would take THIS long.
I'm not saying I expect to lose 4lbs every week - but between 1-2lbs most weeks would suffice! This 0.5 crap is starting to get to me...ESPECIALLY when I've been at the gym minimum 4 times a week. Doing either weights...cardio or Zumba classes.
And i've NEVER eaten my activity points.
Looking for some encourgement here - or some kind of advice as to what to try.
This week wasn't the best week given it was Halloween but I've still maintained my points and only used about 1/2 my Flex points.
I know I could UP my water bigtime - but i just don't see what else I could be doing wrong.

Yes - I realize im still losing..and I'm probably being too hard on myself..but its just getting so frustrating putting all this work and effort in - just for 0.5!! Not to mention the money every week to weigh-in at the meetings!
I'm tempted to try the old program and see if I get some more movement on the scale  with that.
My leader said I needed to change up my food because I was starting to eat the exact same things for breakfast and lunch everyday - so I did that..and still 0.6 loss only.
I know I have a fair bit of time - my wedding isnt till Nov 2012 but I went to start trying on wedding dresses last weekend and I truly hated myself! I don't even want to go back and try anymore on because no matter how good the dress looks - im not going to be happy.
This trainer I've been talking to says my body is immune to dieting now because Ive done it so much - do you think thats possible?

I don't want to give up - but if I dont' start seeing some 'decent' results soon - I dont know what i'm going to do. confused.gif

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I could have written this almost word for word. This is my 3rd time on WW, and I am having little success with it. The other times, the weight would FLY off and this time, I've been doing it since and May have been teetering around the 15lb loss mark. I know that I'm not getting as much water as I should and I (honestly) haven't been tracking as well as I should though - plus these peanut butter Snickers keep calling my name! UGH!


I've been hitting the gym 3+ times a week, 2 times a week with a trainer and then I am also running 2-3 times a week... but yet, still either maintaining my weight or tiny losses like 0.3lbs. VERY frustrating!





Originally Posted by Sunshine2680 View Post

Hiya ladies - glad to see everyone is having so much success on here!
I started WW's 5 weeks ago and am only down 6.1lbs. My 1st week I lost 4.4 and since then its only been around 0.5lb loss/week. SO FRUSTRATING!!!BangHead.gif

I was on the old WWs program a few years ago and had huge success.
This summer I tried the Dukan Diet because I wanted the quick results - and I got them..but couldn't sustain it so jumped off.
Knowing my past success with WW's I decided to give it another shot and just 'accept' that it will take me longer to lose.
But to be honest - I didn't think it would take THIS long.
I'm not saying I expect to lose 4lbs every week - but between 1-2lbs most weeks would suffice! This 0.5 crap is starting to get to me...ESPECIALLY when I've been at the gym minimum 4 times a week. Doing either weights...cardio or Zumba classes.
And i've NEVER eaten my activity points.
Looking for some encourgement here - or some kind of advice as to what to try.
This week wasn't the best week given it was Halloween but I've still maintained my points and only used about 1/2 my Flex points.
I know I could UP my water bigtime - but i just don't see what else I could be doing wrong.

Yes - I realize im still losing..and I'm probably being too hard on myself..but its just getting so frustrating putting all this work and effort in - just for 0.5!! Not to mention the money every week to weigh-in at the meetings!
I'm tempted to try the old program and see if I get some more movement on the scale  with that.
My leader said I needed to change up my food because I was starting to eat the exact same things for breakfast and lunch everyday - so I did that..and still 0.6 loss only.
I know I have a fair bit of time - my wedding isnt till Nov 2012 but I went to start trying on wedding dresses last weekend and I truly hated myself! I don't even want to go back and try anymore on because no matter how good the dress looks - im not going to be happy.
This trainer I've been talking to says my body is immune to dieting now because Ive done it so much - do you think thats possible?

I don't want to give up - but if I dont' start seeing some 'decent' results soon - I dont know what i'm going to do. confused.gif


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