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RIU Palace Paperwork Help

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We are having a legal ceremony at the RIU Palace, however I am not getting a clear indication of the requirements for paperwork.  We have our passports and birth certificates.  From what I understand, we need to send our original birth certificates and notarized copies of our passports to the state to be apostilled.  Is this accurate?  Also, I was told that our documents need to be translated.  Do our passports have to be translated or just our birth certificates?  Who can we contact to have the documents translated? Can someone help me out?


Thanks in Advance!


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From what I was told by the resort, it is just our birth certificates that need to be apostilled (I have been told both the original and translated copies have to be apostilled). Where do you live? I know of a guy that arranges everything in Calgary. Otherwise, you will need to find a certified translator, get your documents translated, and then contact the mexican embassy to find out the process. I believe that the documents first have to be authenticated, and then apostilled (so it has to be sent to two different places). Quite the complicated process!!!

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  • 1 month later...

I'm also getting married at the Riu Palace, June 24th, 2011.  Yes, it's quite confusing trying to understand what the requirements are.  It was even more complicated for us, because this is our 2nd wedding.  We also had to provide certified & translated copies of our divorce papers!


This is what I have learned and done, hopefully this is correct and will be acceptable when we arrive there in two weeks!


-Original certified copy of birth certificate for each of you. Translated, notarized (or authenticated) and apositilled.(they will all be stapled together)

-Passports (not translated)

-Tourist Card-you will receive this when you enter Mexico

-Marriage application (they will email this to you)


I uploaded my documents to an online translation service (Fox Translation).  They have a 24 hour turn around.  I'm from the Los Angeles area, and I found out (later, than sooner) there are a lot of mobile services that will take care of all the running around for you, and can get the documents "authenticated" and "appositilled", depending on where you live, I'm sure.  Where are you from?   Hope some of this helps.  Congrats to you!!

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