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10 months for dress to come in?

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I found THE ONE smile29.gif I was told that it takes 10 months to arrive from the designer. It's a San Patrick by Pronovias. I'd love to post a pic but I have searched online forever and can't find it. I'm thinking that 10 months is a looong time for a dress to come in. Does that sound normal to you guys? The place that i'm ordering it from is listed as an authorized dealer so i'm not worried about that...but 10 months?? That sounds crazy to me. How long did it take for your dresses to arrive after ordering?

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That sounds like a REALLY long time. My store told me 4 months, but then it arrived within 1 month. But, if you're wedding is not til next November, even if it does take that long, you should have plenty of time for alterations (if needed).

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I was told 9 months for mine to come in and I got a call in 4 months saying it was there. So I think they tell you that just to be on the safe side.. Unless it's one of those dresses that they measure you for, and it comes in for the prefect fit, then I can see it taking that long..

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Originally Posted by TammyB View Post
I was told 9 months for mine to come in and I got a call in 4 months saying it was there. So I think they tell you that just to be on the safe side..
That makes sense. She told me 10 months to come in and then an extra 2 months for alterations. Maybe they are just protecting themselves. I'm checking with other salons to see if they carry the dress but i'm not too optimistic about them having it...I've been to quite a few already and haven't seen this dress and like I said earlier, I can't for the life of me find this dress online. You never know though..
Thanks for all of your replies!
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