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Grand Pallidum Jamaica-photographer and vendor fee

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hey there, we are getting married april 14 2012 at the GPLH in Jamaica as far as the resort photographer goes, I havent heard many good things about them. I know I have talked to our resort photographer, and I didnt personally like her(just not friendly) I have however, found a great lady who is doing a next day photo shoot with us, and taking us on a tour of nagril and will be taking some really different and funky shots for us.


As far as the fee goes, Ive talked to the lady were going to use and I have talked her down 300.00 to cover the cost. You could always try that, but no there is no way that ive found to get around vender fee. If you find anything please let me know.

thank you

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Hi canadiangirl :)   I'll be getting married at the GPLH in May 2012.  I'm interested in the photographer you plan to use.  Would you mind telling me who they are?  Also, did the resort deter you in any way from bringing an outside vendor?  Aside for the additional cost of $300,  was wondering if they gave you any grief about it.  

Thanks so much smile159.gif

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Hey Doubletee:


Welcome to BDW this place is so great for information and opinions....all these brides have such great ideas, and have helped me a ton already lol  and congrats on your date, so exciting!


The photographer we are using is actually from Jamaica, so we didnt have the worries of having to fly someone in from home( sooo expensive) and to be honest I was a little concerned with the resort photographer, due to some reviews I had read on these forms, just the lack of pics, and the overall price as well.


The photographer I decided on I found on here through another bride her name is dianna and she is through www.digitalmemoriescollection.com I found her not only truly (jamacian) sweet but she is doing so much extra stuff for mike and I that I couldnt say no lol lol


When I told the resort photographer that I was looking at another photographer, I must say she did give me a little grief and ended up calling me three to four times a week lol. but over all Im so happy with the choice weve made. And cant wait to meet her in person lol


Pics to me were a very important thing for our wedding, and although some reviews on digital memories are that they are (staged pics) after telling her exactly what I wanted her response was the typical (NO PROBLEM) lol

if you need any info or are curious on her prices, PM me and I'll let you know what she and I have come up with. I hope this helps you out...

where are you from? what package have you decided on? how far are you in the planning?

talk to you soon and congrats!

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Hey canadiangirl :)


Thanks so much for your response and for the warm welcome!  In deed this site has been super helpful.  It's fabulous to connect with past brides and future brides, especially those going to the same resort. I love it!


That's so awesome that you're using a local photographer. I recall someone else mentioning that name but didn't think it was a local vendor.  I think i'm going to do the same thing.  If it's ok with you, I'm going to PM you and get some additional info.


I'm a fellow Canadian from Toronto, ON.  We've been planning quite far ahead... already have our dates, location and time for ceremony and reception.  Our weeding date is May 23rd 2012. We went with the Pure Paradise Package - just changed the floral arrangements and was able to modify a few things.  I'm still going back and forth with my w/c on some more details though.  It's so hard when you're planning so far in advance... jeeeez!  I see your date is in April.  Super nice!  And congrats to you and yours.  Are you guys doing a private reception?  Any special additions you're looking to purchase?  


Will chat again soon.  I'll send you a PM now as well.  Thank you so much for your help and your recommendations.  





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hey doubletee:


I just PMed you lol than read this, should have read this first....lol but here are some answers for you, hope this helps u out. I forgot to mention in our PM, that there will be a 300.00 vender fee for using an offsite photographer, but for us it is worth it!!!!! what she is offering to us plus the time shes going to be with us makes up for the vendor fee. If you want to compare the resort to her, I have the resort photographer price list that i can e-mail to you, it helped us a lot when deciding. plus i wanted to make sure i was doing the right thing lol.


We went with the WAVES OF LOVE PACKAGEnin the garden gazebo, my FI loves baby blue and I love the flower choice of this package. I wanted to add stuff to the wedding site, but was told I couldnt...hine sight Im glad because i think its going to be beautiful the way it is.We are doing the private reception only because I want my friends and fam to be them selves and sitting with other resort guests, they would have to be on their best behav and well my FI is an electrician..and well they can get a little crazy lol. I have bought some of my own decorations and will be adding personal things like place cards, welcome booklets, DIY cameras with BLING on them at each seat so ppl can take pics on top of the photographer..get the most of it lol.


Im a huge DIYer so im going to be adding alot the the venue and just getting my fam and friends to pack it with them lol lol what are your colours?


feel free to PM me whenever..id love to toss ideas around, and fine toon the planning process.

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Hey there Canadiangirl :)  


I've been out of town on business for the last 5 days, so i haven't had a chance to connect with Dianna. Booooooo!   I will definitely do that today though.  And will keep you posted on what we decide to do.  I'm so excited!  


Chat soon!  



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey there Canadiangirl :)  How's it going?  Hope you're enjoying the summer!


Just wanted to let you know that I've been in contact with Diana and she is AWESOME!!!!  She was exactly what you said - lovely, kind and so sincere.  We chatted on the phone and conversed via email and we sorted everything out.  I can't wait to meet her.  And I can't thank you enough for bringing us together - the entire experience has been absolutely wonderful.  Thank you :)


How are your plans coming along?



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