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Is it tacky??


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I agree with Erica. It's your party, after all. for me, an AHR is a great way to include friends and loved ones who couldn't make it to the DW. it will be a shame if they don't get to see you in all your wedding glory, so rock that gown!!! more gown exposure = better, at least IMHO. just my two cents' worth. :)

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Im totally wearing my dress again at our AHR... i bought it i will wear it as much as I can lol hell id wear it to bed if it wasnt so big lol lol .... I agree its your day do what makes you two happy, I know when I was asking ppl what they thought, they loved the idea of me wearing it again even if it is in our backyard hahaha


What i planed was to get a cheaper dress so we could do the TTD thing, but this way i dont chance trashing my good dress. Hell I say WEAR IT AND ROCK IT as much as you can!!! and love every min of it.

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Its not tacky, I could possible be moving to DW location & will have to travel back home to have a AHR, it took me some time to get used to the idea I wanted one party on the same day as the wedding) btu theres alot of family that cannot make it, so an AHR make it possible for them to celebrate with us. Just enjoy it & dont listen to them

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  • 1 month later...

This thread made me feel much better. I am facing a semi simliar dilema. Our AHR is going to be 5 months after our destination wedding. Reason being, we are getting married in January and I want our AHR to be in the summer since we live in cold Wisconsin. It also gives us more time to budget and allows family who are traveling to Jamaica with us but live a few hours away to plan and possibly make it to the AHR too.


I keep going back and forth in my head trying to decide how to set up our AHR and what to wear. At first I wasn't going to wear my wedding dress but the more I think about it the more I want to. When else will I ever be able to wear it afterall! I also can't decide if we are going to do things like speeches and father/daughter dance and the first dance for my husband and I. I think it would be kind of fun to play it out like a regular reception and do some traditional and fun things like the dances. But will people think it's weird that I'm wearing my dress 5 and doing a 'first dance' when we have already been married for 5 months. I just worry that 5 months is kind of a long time. But at the same time, we won't be seeing a lot of our family in that 5 months because they live a few hours away, and we tend to visit each other more in the summer. Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated! I just want party and celebrate with good friends and family, but don't know the best way to go about organizing the event.

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From our family that cannot come to my coworkers, everyone has been ecstatic to hear we are having an AHR and even more so when they find out the bridal party will be in their wedding attire. On my invites I wrote "celebration" and mentioned it is "hors douerves". We also wrote that it is from 5pm-9pm so people know  it is not an entire evening thing, more casual. I can't wait to continue celebrating with those who can't make it on the cruise!

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I haven't decided on an AHR yet but geez, who decides what "etiquette" is anyway?? Have one and wear your dress if you want to! I'm sure that everyone who couldn't make the trip will be so happy to have an opportunity to see you wearing your wedding dress in person.

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yay!! lol we are having an AHR in my parents backyard a month after we get home.....i was debating on how formal i wanted to make it but i really want to wear my dress again!! So i guess ill make it semi formal so i dont look out of place :) and if i do i dont care lol thanks ladies!

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I say wear it!! The people that didnt get to see it the first time around will be super happy to see u in it!

Originally Posted by Lizk23 View Post

This thread made me feel much better. I am facing a semi simliar dilema. Our AHR is going to be 5 months after our destination wedding. Reason being, we are getting married in January and I want our AHR to be in the summer since we live in cold Wisconsin. It also gives us more time to budget and allows family who are traveling to Jamaica with us but live a few hours away to plan and possibly make it to the AHR too.


I keep going back and forth in my head trying to decide how to set up our AHR and what to wear. At first I wasn't going to wear my wedding dress but the more I think about it the more I want to. When else will I ever be able to wear it afterall! I also can't decide if we are going to do things like speeches and father/daughter dance and the first dance for my husband and I. I think it would be kind of fun to play it out like a regular reception and do some traditional and fun things like the dances. But will people think it's weird that I'm wearing my dress 5 and doing a 'first dance' when we have already been married for 5 months. I just worry that 5 months is kind of a long time. But at the same time, we won't be seeing a lot of our family in that 5 months because they live a few hours away, and we tend to visit each other more in the summer. Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated! I just want party and celebrate with good friends and family, but don't know the best way to go about organizing the event.


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Thanks Ariane. I know I should just do whatever I want and not care if people think it's a little weird, but it's so nice to hear another bride agree. We are having a plated dinner, already hired a DJ, and have the reception hall alllll night so I think it'll be fun to have it be just like we just got married. We aren't religious so the ceremony isn't really a huge thing for us anyway...we just like to paaartay! haha. Only problem is...my hopes of not having to do too much work for the wedding are being smashed as now I have my Jamaican wedding and a complete wedding reception to plan. haha oh well we only get to do it once!


Thanks again

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