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Is it tacky??


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I am in the same situation, we will have our wedding in december and I am thinkging abotu having AHR in march during march break. But it gets complicated because most of our friends are military and most of them would not know if they will attend. So now I am torn between making it semi formal and hoping they would make, or just make a party at our house and have bbq and see who will come. Also FI not much help, because he does not know himself. For all we know he can be called on duty and not be there himself.

Quite lost at the moment. Also it will be just two of us going to Jamaica, but we will visit his parents right after it. And on my side is just my mom....

Originally Posted by Lizk23 View Post

Thanks Ariane. I know I should just do whatever I want and not care if people think it's a little weird, but it's so nice to hear another bride agree. We are having a plated dinner, already hired a DJ, and have the reception hall alllll night so I think it'll be fun to have it be just like we just got married. We aren't religious so the ceremony isn't really a huge thing for us anyway...we just like to paaartay! haha. Only problem is...my hopes of not having to do too much work for the wedding are being smashed as now I have my Jamaican wedding and a complete wedding reception to plan. haha oh well we only get to do it once!


Thanks again


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I am so happy I stumbled onto this thread!!! We are getting married in Mexico at the end of April and having our AHR at the end of May and I am wearing my dress!!! I agree that it is hard to figure out what you want to do for your AHR! His mom is all about making it a formal event - with everything from speeches and toasts to first dances to cutting the cake. The only thing we aren't having is a sit-down dinner, but we are having a ton of apps so no one will go hungry!


I am trying to convince her to skip arranged seating (max 150 ppl) and go with the idea not everyone will be sitting and this way we can invite more people (200 ppl) (there is tons seating between outside and the bar area) - does this seem like a bad idea???

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We got married in Nov and our AHR is in Feb.  It is a full-on formal reception on a yacht, wedding attire being worn - especially THE DRESS!!, dances being done, cake being cut, photographer, DJ, candy buffet as the favors and after we make our grand entrance we will be showing the wedding video.  I think its a great opportunity to celebrate with those not invited (co-workers) and those special people that couldn't make it to the wedding (close friends, family).  Unless you have all your closest friends and family show up to your DW then a AHR is almost necessary.  Most of those people want to share those special moments with you, congratulate you, see you in your dress, take pictures with you, etc.  Make your AHR the way you and your FI/DH want it and just ENJOY!!!!    

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Agree 100%

Originally Posted by Lasallebabe View Post

I think it is a marvelous idea to wear your dress and have the wedding party do the same! Forthose unable to attend your DW, i"m sure they will love to see you in your dress in oerson ---not via pictures! Bottom line ----your day, do what you want!



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really what is the difference between getting married at a church and then having a reception and getting married away and then comign back to have a party.... i guarantee half of your guest dont show up at your actual ceremony and just come for the party afterward. peopl who say these things are so simple minded! everyone loves the chance to wear their dress... who wants to pay 1000s of dollars for a dress and not wear it ever again...if anythign DW brides are the smart ones!! we can wear our dress 2-3x, get to stretch our celebration over a week and then have the opportunity to celebrate with those we love back home too!


what makes a reception a reception anyways?


my AHR favours are going to be magnet pics of us! i was going to use them as save the dates but decided since we knew who all was coming (because of bookign times) that we jsut sent out invites really early instead.

Originally Posted by Aphrodite View Post

I have been seeing a lot of responses on the internet (not this site) when people say that anyone have a reception after a destination wedding isn't really have a reception and it's tacky to call it that and horrendous for the bride to wear her gown again and blah blah blah.


I want to talk to people that have REAL experience with destination weddings - the brides on this forum!!!


What are your thoughts on this?


I'm having a AHR a week after our DW at a hall just as though we had been married here.

I'm planning on wearing my gown and having my bridal party wear their attire too.

Am I wrong in doing this?


Also as a side note...

What have people used/will be using as favours for the AHR?


Originally Posted by Lasallebabe View Post

I think it is a marvelous idea to wear your dress and have the wedding party do the same! Forthose unable to attend your DW, i"m sure they will love to see you in your dress in oerson ---not via pictures! Bottom line ----your day, do what you want!



Originally Posted by JPenny View Post

I'm doing the whole AHR thing. I don't think its tacky and neither do any of my guests. They are all excited. Those that are coming to the DW are excited for another party and those that can't come are happy they can still celebrate with us. I just say don't listen to people who say stuff like that. They are probably jealous you get to wear your dress twice! ha ha


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I actually never ended up having an AHR...

Too many family politics that I didn't want the experience of my wedding to be ruined by family drama.  So I said to hell with it! lol


After reading a lot of the comments on this site - for anyone else that stumbles up on this thread...

If I did end up having the AHR...I would 100% wear my dress again with my bridal part wearing theirs as well.  I don't see how it is tacky.

I feel like the people who think it WOULD be tacky weren't hugged enough as children...

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We are still in the early stages of our planning but one thing that almost all of our family members have asked is if we will also be having an AHR.  Realistically I know many of my extended family won't be able to join us for a DW so I think a fun night to celebrate with everyone is important.  My aunt in particular was very vocal about me wearing the dress again -- pictures just aren't the same!  Our tentative plans for an AHR are less formal than if we had done the whole wedding at home but that is also to save my sanity with planning (and to save on some $$$ too).  To each their own, and if someone is going off about it being inappropriate to have an AHR you know they just wish they got to have two wedding receptions ;)

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Now that is a great idea!  


I did that with my sister-in-laws bridesmaid dress i wore in her wedding to my brother.  LOVED IT SO MUCH , I made it into a cocktail dress.  You doing it with your wedding dress - such a nice "symbolic" flair!  Love it!

Originally Posted by J and G 2012 View Post

My dress is very simple so I'm going to get it cut off to make it cocktail length and wear to our AHR. I agree that ppl are there to see you and celebrate your wedding, they should be able to see you in your dress!


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Aphrodite - your family sounds JUST LIKE MINE!.  


Although, my FI has indicated he does not want to have a AHR...no one in my family has brought it up yet...(although I have only been engaged almost 2 months - LOL!)  Praying it doesn't.


If I were to?  DANG STRAIGHT I'd wear my dress again....I LOVE IT SO MUCH!




Originally Posted by Aphrodite View Post

I actually never ended up having an AHR...

Too many family politics that I didn't want the experience of my wedding to be ruined by family drama.  So I said to hell with it! lol


After reading a lot of the comments on this site - for anyone else that stumbles up on this thread...

If I did end up having the AHR...I would 100% wear my dress again with my bridal part wearing theirs as well.  I don't see how it is tacky.

I feel like the people who think it WOULD be tacky weren't hugged enough as children...


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I actually never ended up having an AHR... Too many family politics that I didn't want the experience of my wedding to be ruined by family drama.  So I said to hell with it! lol After reading a lot of the comments on this site - for anyone else that stumbles up on this thread... If I did end up having the AHR...I would 100% wear my dress again with my bridal part wearing theirs as well.  I don't see how it is tacky. I feel like the people who think it WOULD be tacky weren't hugged enough as children...
omg! I laughed so hard when I read your post! I 100% with you. For all of you ladies who are having an AHR- rock it how YOU want it.. Then post pics! I would love to see!!
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