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Hi, we are working on our website in order to try to send out our STD magnets by the end of the month.


I am on the Wedding Party page and struggling how to word it. We really aren't having a wedding party except for my sister and his brother (stress free plan, no hurt feelings or drama) but struggling with how to word this, start/finish this page LOL


Anyone have experience with this?




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I sent out an email to my closest friends that I knew would like to be part of my wedding first letting them know that I wasn't having any bridesmaids.  I explained that I didn't want anyone to feel pressured to commit to coming/spending money/feel stressed about it.  I posted my wedding website after I discussed this with them so that feelings weren't hurt, and I just took the wedding party section out.  They all understood.. and I am going to incorporate the ones that come in other ways :)

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My fiance and I both decided that a small wedding party is what we wanted.  My best girlfriend from college will be my MOH and my daughter will be my bridesmaid.  The bestman is my finace's best friend and my brother is a groomsman.  I have found that it has been much easier with a small wedding party.  I have friends that have had large wedding parties and have been stressed with communication issues.

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