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Updated - Found the dress - now which Ring? Need your Advice!

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Thanks ladies! I'm hikacking my own thread.  I posted the same question in the show us your rings thread.


I didn't want to spam with more polls (as it seems I'm not very good at making decisions when it comes to these pretty type things).


My E-ring is simple and kind of unique with rose gold and white gold (I picked).  I knew we'd never be able to find a wedding band that would match, so we went to a place that does custom, and this is my favourite of what he came up with.  The middle is my E-ring, then on each side is the thicker band. One is the wedding band, I say the other one is because I'm awesome.  :)


Now here's my question? Keep it with one little diamond in the corner, or have three little diamonds! I know a girl can never have to much sparkle, but I also don' t want to take away from the ring. Note that I copied and added more diamonds in Paint, so its not very professional looking.  :)  Any thoughts ladies?


Chosen one.jpg



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