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Thanks for the advice!! I did cardio recovery last night and I agree-I think doing the deep muscle work is essential to keep into my program!!!


Originally Posted by kellygrrrl View Post

I'd recommend keeping the cardio recovery because although it isn't a ton of cardio, it DEFINITELY works the muscles. I'm usually most sore after that day, thanks to all the butt-busting lunges. I think it's great to develop some of the strength you need for the cardio stuff by doing other moves slowly - it seems really beneficial.



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I took before pics but I don't think I'd try to get the tshirt because I'm not just doing insanity, I'm incorporating other workouts in too so my progress wouldn't be a good representation of insanity only. I'm on my last week of month one and I'm sooooo excited for month two! All your results make me motivated!

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That's great! It does help when you have someone to workout with too! I have one more week to go. I agree you can see the difference in your endurance from month 1 to month 2 but definitely had to push myself at times. You just feel great.  Especially looking at the fit test #s, its crazy. The real test is the push ups! I can do so many now and I don't even have to do them on my knees! lol!

I always crack up when Shawn T says "boom". I have no idea why!

Good idea mixing the months up. I wanted to start over when I am done but thought month 1 would be too easy so then I thought maybe just repeat month 2.

I am sure you will look amazing on your wedding day!

Good luck everyone!! Keep pushing it!


Originally Posted by orange_peel View Post

I'm on my last week! Ahhh! I'm in the best shape of my life right now.


Good luck everybody. Stick to it, even on days you don't feel like doing it. Month 2 was sooo much harder than Month 1, and it is still a huge challenge, even after 4 weeks. There were days I felt awful and thought I couldn't make it through, but I did it! It does help to have my fiance doing the workouts with me... we have our own jokes at various times in the videos ("Take a break, keep going, take a break, keep going.") But really, anytime Shawn T. would say the word "break" in the Month 2 workouts, my body would almost shut down, and I have to force myself to keep going. It is getting better every day though, I notice a difference in how much I can push myself now versus when I first started.  


Since my wedding is still 1 month away, I'm thinking of mixing up the Month 1 and Month 2 workouts until the big day. 


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You ladies were not kidding about the 2nd month - holy molly, flying cows!!!! I'm almost done the first week and my upper body is ahhhhhhhhhhhh... but I also found that the recovery day definately works your abs... I'm unfortunately taking a couple days off from exercise because I'm sick as heck and can't breathe.... but feel so guilty about it :(

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don't feel bad - your health comes first. I had various aches and pains that led me to take some time off. so you go 64 days, no sweat. ; ) I hope you feel better soon!

Originally Posted by bmadzia1 View Post

You ladies were not kidding about the 2nd month - holy molly, flying cows!!!! I'm almost done the first week and my upper body is ahhhhhhhhhhhh... but I also found that the recovery day definately works your abs... I'm unfortunately taking a couple days off from exercise because I'm sick as heck and can't breathe.... but feel so guilty about it :(

orange_peel, I cannot wait until I'm you. : ) thanks for the inspiration!

Originally Posted by orange_peel View Post

I'm on my last week! Ahhh! I'm in the best shape of my life right now.


Good luck everybody. Stick to it, even on days you don't feel like doing it. Month 2 was sooo much harder than Month 1, and it is still a huge challenge, even after 4 weeks. There were days I felt awful and thought I couldn't make it through, but I did it! It does help to have my fiance doing the workouts with me... we have our own jokes at various times in the videos ("Take a break, keep going, take a break, keep going.") But really, anytime Shawn T. would say the word "break" in the Month 2 workouts, my body would almost shut down, and I have to force myself to keep going. It is getting better every day though, I notice a difference in how much I can push myself now versus when I first started.  


Since my wedding is still 1 month away, I'm thinking of mixing up the Month 1 and Month 2 workouts until the big day. 


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I just wanted to check in and share that I am done the first month!! I am starting my recovery week which I plan on supplementing with running (although I haven't tried the core cardio and balance yet, so who knows!).


I am so excited because at my weigh in today, it shows that I have lost 6 pounds this month during insanity!! My weight fluctuated a bit and a few times I actually gained weight, but it very well could have been muscle because when I used to work out, I'd just do cardio like running so I had no muscle. Keep in mind that this is my last 10 lbs so it is REALLY stubborn. I do not lose weight easily.


In addition, I have also lost a total of 5 inches!!! (Not all in one place, but overall). I only have just over a month until I leave for my wedding, so I really hope that month 2 of insanity works just as well as month 1, and I think it will from the stories I've heard!! Also, I have just recently in that last week really being picky and stubborn about what I eat. I have started to be much more careful with my portion sizes and staying away from processed or fatty foods.


I only have about 5 more pounds to lose until I'm happy, so here's to hoping month 2 really does it for me!!

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hey ladies - what are your favorite healthy foods/snacks?


in the spring, I make a gazpacho with a few large tomatoes, cucumber, onion, green pepper, a little olive oil and vinegar. you just blend it all together, strain out any remaining seeds and then chill. provided the tomatoes are good, it's super yummy and healthy. I'm not huge on vegetables, so if I can get them all this way, even better. : )


I also like the think thin bars. they're super high protein with little (if any) carbs, and they taste good, too.


oh, and I did finally try the shakeology mix. there are two flavors, chocolate and greenberry. oddly, the greenberry tasted like malt (malted milk ball malt), which I like. the chocolate was ok, both were a little vitamin-y, but I think if you mix them with milk (not water), it makes for a better shake. there are beachbody trainers offering samples - I think we paid $15 for 4. not enough cals for meal replacement, but like the gazpacho, a quick way to get back on track and stifle cravings.


looking forward to everyone else's ideas! : )

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Hey ladies...I just had to vent because I'm frustrated! I am 10 pounds up from my goal weight and so I started the insanity program 3 weeks ago (I'm also doing bootcamp so only doing insanity 4 days a week). I'm eating healthy and about 1400 calories a day. And all I'm doing is GAINING weight! ARGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I am getting SO frustrated and discouraged!!!!

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nooooo! have you taken measurements? how are your clothes fitting? just hang in there - I had to keep telling myself 'sixty days,' 'sixty days'. if the weight doesn't come off then, I think you can ask questions, but for me it has nearly always taken awhile to get started and then one day it's like boom, gone.


that happened most recently when I went from a desk job (+10 lbs) to bartending. I had to work for maybe 6 - 8 weeks and then one day, I just felt thinner and all the desk job weight was gone.I guess it was gradual, but it seemed like it happened practically overnight.


are you following the nutrition plan? ok, maybe one more week then panic? : )

Originally Posted by JenK View Post

Hey ladies...I just had to vent because I'm frustrated! I am 10 pounds up from my goal weight and so I started the insanity program 3 weeks ago (I'm also doing bootcamp so only doing insanity 4 days a week). I'm eating healthy and about 1400 calories a day. And all I'm doing is GAINING weight! ARGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I am getting SO frustrated and discouraged!!!!


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I forgot to take my measurements at the beginning :( We don't follow the nutrition plan but eat clean so I am hoping it is just muscle weight! I was not working out consistently prior to starting this program. I have been working out for 3 weeks now (4 days of insanity a week). On the UPSIDE...I did my fit test during my lunch hour and I have GREATLY improved! So I am going to just stick to everything and I agree-hopefully in another few weeks or so, I will have a huge loss :)

Originally Posted by kellygrrrl View Post

nooooo! have you taken measurements? how are your clothes fitting? just hang in there - I had to keep telling myself 'sixty days,' 'sixty days'. if the weight doesn't come off then, I think you can ask questions, but for me it has nearly always taken awhile to get started and then one day it's like boom, gone.


that happened most recently when I went from a desk job (+10 lbs) to bartending. I had to work for maybe 6 - 8 weeks and then one day, I just felt thinner and all the desk job weight was gone.I guess it was gradual, but it seemed like it happened practically overnight.


are you following the nutrition plan? ok, maybe one more week then panic? : )



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