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I followed the nutrition plan to a T the first two weeks, but then got lazy with preparing the meals etc. Still followed the general rule of eating, and after 4 weeks, I had good results. 9 lbs down and 13.75 inches altogether....


Originally Posted by muzikgrrl View Post

Hey ladies I'm planning on starting insanity on Sunday or Monday, I haven't decided yet.  I did one round of P90X in the fall, I didn't do the diet but I did tone up and build muscle, a little bit too much on my arms.  I'm hoping this time around to tone up and lose some of that winter weight.  For all you ladies that already started, are you doing the diet and the exercise?  Is anyone not doing the diet and getting results? 



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woo, ok, so after four days of careful eating in cali and a half week back, I'm now about two weeks through INSANITY. I do my second fitness test today so am excited to see the improvement, but in the meantime, I've noticed my favorite jeans are fitting looser, my FI has commented on all the positive changes (me feeling great, having more energy, etc), and last night when I walked into my mom's house, she said warily, "You look thinner." leave it to mom... ; )


according to the scale, I've dropped 1.5 lbs, which is really good considering I'm only 2 weeks in and took a hiatus while in cali. it's probably just water weight, but I'm so happy with how I feel, and I do enjoy the dvds (even though they are grueling ; ). I'm 5' 4" and started at 124 lbs (now 122.5 lbs), but I'm most excited because when I work out, I typically gain weight because I eat everything in sight. maybe that part of it just hasn't caught up with me, but I'm determined to at least eat healthy food if I'm going to eat a lot.


overall: yay! I'm happy with ANY progress only a couple weeks in. how's everyone else doing? 

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Congrats!!! That's so amazing that you were able to go away and still stay on track.

Over the last week, I was finishing my final practicum for university ever, which was pretty intense, so I fell a little bit off track. However, instead of just starting over, I've pretty much just continued where I would have been and stepped it up a notch. Ive found that now that I'm in the third week I'm finding a lot more strength to do extra workouts on top of insanity so I plan to keep up with that! (Thought it looks like month 2 will be insane!!). I really don't have much time left so now is the time for me to go absolutely insane


Originally Posted by kellygrrrl View Post

woo, ok, so after four days of careful eating in cali and a half week back, I'm now about two weeks through INSANITY. I do my second fitness test today so am excited to see the improvement, but in the meantime, I've noticed my favorite jeans are fitting looser, my FI has commented on all the positive changes (me feeling great, having more energy, etc), and last night when I walked into my mom's house, she said warily, "You look thinner." leave it to mom... ; )


according to the scale, I've dropped 1.5 lbs, which is really good considering I'm only 2 weeks in and took a hiatus while in cali. it's probably just water weight, but I'm so happy with how I feel, and I do enjoy the dvds (even though they are grueling ; ). I'm 5' 4" and started at 124 lbs (now 122.5 lbs), but I'm most excited because when I work out, I typically gain weight because I eat everything in sight. maybe that part of it just hasn't caught up with me, but I'm determined to at least eat healthy food if I'm going to eat a lot.


overall: yay! I'm happy with ANY progress only a couple weeks in. how's everyone else doing? 


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I notice a lot more energy and now that I'm starting my third week tomorrow-I can tell I'm already getting in better shape! yay! I have a question...I have bootcamp every Tuesday and Thursday and I have decided that it is too much to do both workouts! So I will be doing 4 insanity workouts a week (sticking to one rest day as I feel that my body needs it!), and just complete the 2 month program in a longer period of time. I plan on doing all the workouts in order. My question is...if I am only doing 4 of the workouts a week, should I skip over the cardio recovery workout or complete all the workouts in order and include cardio recovery?

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Hi Ladies!!  Happy Monday!!


Well as others have said I too have more energy and feel good all day long, I look forward to the workouts and I have already noticed a change in my body (stomach flat and tight everyday, jeans are looser in the thighs, etc.)...and that is only 1.5 wks into it.  Totally crazy!!


So...I had stopped eating anything sweet for the last few weeks (even before Insanity started) and on Friday and Saturday I had sweets and alcohol (which I never have either) and boy did I feel like crap on Sunday.  I wanted to do a workout so bad but I was feeling so sluggish and tired and just lazy all day long.  Its so funny to see how things affect your body...especially when you haven't had it in a while.  But I gave myself that day and am looking forward to the workout today. 


I am having some issues with my feet while doing the workouts though.  I had surgery on both feet recently and a lot of the moves are bothering them.  I see my doc next week for a follow up so I'll see what he says.  I know I am not fully recovered yet which is probably the reason they are bothering me so bad but I don't want to let that stop me.


bootyshake.gif  great job ladies....keep it up!!!!!  

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I'd recommend keeping the cardio recovery because although it isn't a ton of cardio, it DEFINITELY works the muscles. I'm usually most sore after that day, thanks to all the butt-busting lunges. I think it's great to develop some of the strength you need for the cardio stuff by doing other moves slowly - it seems really beneficial.

Originally Posted by JenK View Post

I notice a lot more energy and now that I'm starting my third week tomorrow-I can tell I'm already getting in better shape! yay! I have a question...I have bootcamp every Tuesday and Thursday and I have decided that it is too much to do both workouts! So I will be doing 4 insanity workouts a week (sticking to one rest day as I feel that my body needs it!), and just complete the 2 month program in a longer period of time. I plan on doing all the workouts in order. My question is...if I am only doing 4 of the workouts a week, should I skip over the cardio recovery workout or complete all the workouts in order and include cardio recovery?


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and oh MAN what a DIFFERENCE fit test one to fit test two! I was not very in shape to start with (thanks to the desk job ; ), and when I did the first fit test, I had to rest for like 5 minutes in between the sectioins and was about to DIE when it was over - there were several times I seriously thought I was going to pass out. yesterday, I completed the second test exactly per the DVD, resting only one minute between sections! (!!!!!)


I can't believe how much was accomplished in such a short amount of time. I feel like the puffiness that has crept on over the past few years is gone and everything is getting more lean and toned - and it's only week three. I feel more in shape than ever. amazing!! : )


I'm all smiles and am contemplating a boudoir photo shoot as the ultimate reward... : ) too bad I didn't take any true before shots - they'll send you a free t-shirt! (I need to do that ASAP): http://www.beachbody.com/text/products/programs/insanity/popup_20110331/tshirt.html

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I did take the picture.  I WANT my TSHIRT when I'm done lol....

Originally Posted by kellygrrrl View Post

I'm all smiles and am contemplating a boudoir photo shoot as the ultimate reward... : ) too bad I didn't take any true before shots - they'll send you a free t-shirt! (I need to do that ASAP): http://www.beachbody.com/text/products/programs/insanity/popup_20110331/tshirt.html


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I'm on my last week! Ahhh! I'm in the best shape of my life right now.


Good luck everybody. Stick to it, even on days you don't feel like doing it. Month 2 was sooo much harder than Month 1, and it is still a huge challenge, even after 4 weeks. There were days I felt awful and thought I couldn't make it through, but I did it! It does help to have my fiance doing the workouts with me... we have our own jokes at various times in the videos ("Take a break, keep going, take a break, keep going.") But really, anytime Shawn T. would say the word "break" in the Month 2 workouts, my body would almost shut down, and I have to force myself to keep going. It is getting better every day though, I notice a difference in how much I can push myself now versus when I first started.  


Since my wedding is still 1 month away, I'm thinking of mixing up the Month 1 and Month 2 workouts until the big day. 

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