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You could also just pig out and drink lots of alcohol once you arrive at the resort.  That'll fluff you up a bit LOL!!!

Originally Posted by kellygrrrl View Post

na, the dress didn't cost that much to begin with, so after $125 for just a front hem (three layer chiffon/silk - who knew?!), I'm done paying for alterations. I'll just have to eat more. : )


initially I hated pure cardio because it was straight through, but as soon as I realized that you did each exercise only once, it became my new favorite. I didn't think of the timing until now in month two. it's the shortest DVD at 45 mins, whereas the others are an hour long. also, it changes the warm up on the third time through so you go back to the month one warmup. definitely a relief as you contemplate an HOUR of jumping push-ups and the like.


weight loss be darned, I'm foraging ahead. I had a piece of pizza over the weekend, as well as a doughnut for breakfast and took two days off in a row (the most since I started Insanity), so hopefully that's counterbalancing the sweat. ; ) next step is to eat more of the healthy foods instead. two more weeks to go (3.5 until the wedding)!!!






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I started doing insanity in late 2010 when I went to my cousins DW and she had done Insanity to get in great shape. After doing it consistently for about a year, I just got bored and felt that I had plateaued, so I joined the Gold's gym in January and have really noticed a big difference! I think my body had just gotten too used to Insanity that I was challenging myself any more. This past weekend I couldnt make it to the gym so I popped in an Insanity disc and boy am I sore!


We head down to our wedding on May 6 and dont get married until May 12, so I actually ripped all off the insanity discs to my iPad, so I will be doing Insanity at the resort to maintain before the wedding! I am not great at denying myself food, especially when it's so tasty, so I will need to keep my workouts up while down there.

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Thank you!  Sounds like you lost more inches than anything, which is what I prefer!!!  You better take it easy if your dress is going to stay up!  ahahaha!!!

Originally Posted by kellygrrrl View Post

jamie - congrats! I'm so glad it's working for you. and 7 lbs is AMAZING!! you must be able to feel/see the difference. I think net/net, I've only lost 4 - 5 lbs total, but I'm hoping that's more due to the muscle gain.


I was trying on my dress this weekend with different strapless bras and noticed it didn't feel tight anymore. in fact, my mom commented that I couldn't lose any more weight or it wouldn't fit. I've got 2 weeks of Insanity left, but I think I'm going to relax it a bit, maybe rotate in some more P90X - I just don't want to get smaller. I'm not sure that would happen anyway because my measurements have been about the same since mid-March. I'm just slightly bummed because this was the point where I fell off the wagon the first time I did Insanity, and I was determined to finish strong.


I've got just under 4 weeks to the actual wedding day (3.5 wks until we leave), so I'll try to devise something to do in the meantime. any suggestions?





I liked pure cardio too!  I did like that it was only 15 min and only 1 rep of each!!!  So NO, I don't think you're crazy!  We are only doing month 2 from here on out and I miss the shorter DVD's, but I do like the change up in month 2!

Originally Posted by sxcT View Post

I did another DVD last week.  Pure Cardio Baby!!


So am I the only crazy one that prefers doing Pure Cardio over any other DVD?  I just love knowing its only 15 minutes - 15 exercises non-stop.  David says that isn't true because of the warmup but that is how I see it.  I know I can put it in, push thru for 15 intense minutes and then be done.  I love it!!


Gonna do 2 this week...I'm determined.


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So....I tried Insane Abs two days ago.  I have never had the chance to do it since my DVD was screwed up but thanks to the link that was posted I got to try it.


OMG!!!  I haven't ever been so sore in my entire core section like that ever in my life.  I feel it everywhere...every inch.  I also have rug burns on my forearms to prove it.  Wow what a workout.  I actually liked it and will gladly do it again.


Just wanted to share. bunny_4.gif

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thanks kellygrrrl!  I think i'll start with a few days next week... will be nice to ease into it!  I'll check in here next week and complain about how sore i am , i'm sure!!

Originally Posted by kellygrrrl View Post

na, the dress didn't cost that much to begin with, so after $125 for just a front hem (three layer chiffon/silk - who knew?!), I'm done paying for alterations. I'll just have to eat more. : )


initially I hated pure cardio because it was straight through, but as soon as I realized that you did each exercise only once, it became my new favorite. I didn't think of the timing until now in month two. it's the shortest DVD at 45 mins, whereas the others are an hour long. also, it changes the warm up on the third time through so you go back to the month one warmup. definitely a relief as you contemplate an HOUR of jumping push-ups and the like.


weight loss be darned, I'm foraging ahead. I had a piece of pizza over the weekend, as well as a doughnut for breakfast and took two days off in a row (the most since I started Insanity), so hopefully that's counterbalancing the sweat. ; ) next step is to eat more of the healthy foods instead. two more weeks to go (3.5 until the wedding)!!!






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I started doing INSANITY this sunday and boy was I sore!  I thought I had good cardio but this really made me work!  I'm really enjoying it and hopefully I can start to see the results!  Wedding is in September so I'm trying to get a good workout routine and keep it consistent for the next few months.

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Welcome!!  How has the first week gone so far?

Originally Posted by bacha24 View Post

I started doing INSANITY this sunday and boy was I sore!  I thought I had good cardio but this really made me work!  I'm really enjoying it and hopefully I can start to see the results!  Wedding is in September so I'm trying to get a good workout routine and keep it consistent for the next few months.



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So I decided to throw in Max Cardio and Conditioning last night....thinking I'd be able to do it.  Wow what a shock.  I was tired during the warm-up lol.  But I got through it and felt so good afterwards.  YAY ME!!  I really need to start doing more of these.  Down to 6 wks til vacation for me.



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hey ladies - I made it!! or close enough, anyways. ; ) we leave for our wedding in 9 days, so I'll still keep active, but I went ahead and compiled some before and afters so I could get my free t-shirt (see: http://www.beachbody.com/text/products/programs/insanity/popup/tshirt.html). as a bonus, I heard back from them the very next day, and it should be here in time for the wedding! yay!! : )


I wanted to post some more before and afters here in hopes that they encourage future brides to try it out. I'm a HUGE advocate and am really excited by the results. last time I stopped around 6 weeks, and by continuing through month two, I ended up losing two inches off my waist and hips and dropped about 5 lbs overall. I also went from a size 4 to a size 2 (hence the wedding dress no longer fitting issues ; ). good problem to have!


hope everyone is still doing well. I'll check in from time to time to see how things are going. KEEP PUSHING!! : )


Insanity Bikini.jpg


Insanity Jeans.jpg


had to toss in a few gratuitous muscle shots. FI enjoyed taking these. ; )


Insanity Bonus.jpg

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