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Kara - Exactly what ChocoTaco said, never sacrifice your form. Even though Insanity is high impact, work at your own pace. The more you do the workouts your body will get used to it and it won't be as difficult, but it's always gonna be a challenge. That's what the program is designed to do, challenge you. 


Cherina - I was also scared before I started the program, but no matter how hard it is DON'T GIVE UP! If your looking for amazing results, you'll get them with Insanity as long as you push play everyday and eat healthy. 


Good Luck ucfjennifer! You got this!


In case any of you ladies are interested and since you already own Insanity, I have a free accountability group on Facebook that your welcome to join if you aren't already tied into a group. I'm a Beachbody coach and it's free, no strings attached. It's in place for accountability and to let you know that you are not alone through your weight loss journey. We check in daily with our workouts, share meals, recipes, tips and encourage one another. I don't know that I would have completed my program without the help of the group that I was in. If your interested you can email me at shayla(at)shayla-j.com and from there I can get you all set upmuscle.gif

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Kara - Exactly what ChocoTaco said, never sacrifice your form. Even though Insanity is high impact, work at your own pace. The more you do the workouts your body will get used to it and it won't be as difficult, but it's always gonna be a challenge. That's what the program is designed to do, challenge you. 


Cherina - I was also scared before I started the program, but no matter how hard it is DON'T GIVE UP! If your looking for amazing results, you'll get them with Insanity as long as you push play everyday and eat healthy. 


Good Luck ucfjennifer! You got this!


In case any of you ladies are interested and since you already own Insanity, I have a free accountability group on Facebook that your welcome to join if you aren't already tied into a group. I'm a Beachbody coach and it's free, no strings attached. It's in place for accountability and to let you know that you are not alone through your weight loss journey. We check in daily with our workouts, share meals, recipes, tips and encourage one another. I don't know that I would have completed my program without the help of the group that I was in. If your interested you can email me at shayla(at)shayla-j.com and from there I can get you all set upmuscle.gif

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I have made every excuse under the sun 2 not work out! I just don't know what the heck is wrong with me! I know I'm over weight n I know I don't want 2 look like this but yet I still don't do the wrk out! I just feel like their isn't enough hrs in the day. I'm worried about working out in the mornin before wrk bc I'm soooooo out of shape that it is gonna just knock me out n ill be 2 tired at first. N then who the heck wants 2 wrkout after wrk! Uggggg sorry I had 2 vent! Kara- insanity loser!

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MK71809 - I am the same way.  I was going to start this week, but I let work get in the way instead of putting me first.  It's sometimes hard to put ourselves first, but that's the only way this is going to work.


I'm starting next Monday and trying to decide what time is best.  I'm not a morning person, but I'm going to try it.  If I wait until after work, then I'm likely to find a reason to "wait until tomorrow."  I'm going to keep reminding myself that I am the only person that can lose this weight for me and it is up to me to find and maintain that motivation.  I'm also going to take Shaylaj up on her offer to join her Facebook group.  Accountability and support are two positives that can only increase my chances of succeeding.  We can do it! 


Shaylaj - I'm sending you an email now!  :)

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I am over halfway through week three of Insanity, I started April 1.  It has been challenging to say the least but I've also started to see results. I'm not a morning person either but last week I got up each morning and did my workouts before work and it felt wonderful to get them out of the way first thing and not have to think about them the rest of the day. This week for some reason I haven't been able to get up and have been doing them in the evenings.  I find I tend to dread them when done later in the day.  Also, when doing them in the morning you are more likely to eat better for the remainder of the day.  

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Hezmshaw, it's a workout program that will transform your body in 60 days with the most intense workout program ever put on DVD created by Shaun T. If you're looking to lose weight and your up for a challenge, it's definitely the way to go. 



You can find more info about it here and even purchase it if you're interested http://beachbodycoach.com/Shaylaj

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I've used Insanity & P90x in the past to help me lose weight, but I swear the weight just "poof" appeared on me when I started this new 12hour/day desk job a few months ago. I gained over 30 pounds in just a few months & i'm still eating healthysad.gif I'm just so exhausted by the time I get home after my commute & I treasure my sleep so much in the morning that I can't bear the thought of waking up earlier to work out, but I definitely need to get my butt moving with summer coming up & the wedding. I need to stop making excuses. I've been following a blog/facebook page for a little while & the girl runs monthly "sweating for the wedding" challenge groups for Insanity, P90x & other beachbody programs.  She posts lots of great fitness & nutrition articles, motivational posts & beautiful wedding ideas.  I go to her page a lot for inspiration for my own wedding.  Her website says the sweating for the wedding challenges are small, intimate very private groups where you have simple assignments & check-ins, along with support over the course of the day to stay on top of you to make sure you get your workout done and are sticking to your meal plan.  I feel like I definitely need that right now to keep my motivated and to be held accountable for once for what I say i'm going to do, plus she gives you a really cute sweating for the wedding workout tank if you sign up & i'm a sucker for free stuff haha.  I think i'm gonna sign up for a may challenge (really can't put this off any longer), it'd be cool if a bunch of us signed up & had our own BDW group lol! Here's her blog info, it's called "Bride To Be Fitness" http://www.bride2befitness.com/p/sweating-for-wedding-challenge.html

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Just started Insanity yesterday!  I'm a bit sore.  After the fit test my muscles were tired and could definately notice it walking down the stairs. 


I hope I can stick to it!  My fiance and I started it together.  We got it in the mail last week and he kept making excuses of why we couldn't start it until yesterday.  Oh well, we started it. 


I'm worried we won't complete it because summer is such a busy time for us!  We both play sports 2 days a week, enjoy going to concerts, camping and doing a lot of other things.  I guess we really have to focus on making time for it.  It's less than 1 hour a day, right.


Wish me luck!!

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