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  • 3 weeks later...

Congratulations Kellygrrrl!  You really look amazing!  And thanks for posting those pictures - they are super motivating!


My FI and I are on our recovery week right now and then on to Month 2!  I'm amazed that we've stuck with it (all due to him really!) and we've been following the nutrition plan too, which is even more unbelievable (i'm usually super terrible with things like that so it shows you that is actually pretty easy to follow).  The recipes are all quite easy and we honestly haven't really had one that we don't like - not bad!  We have taken a page out of Body for Life and give ourselves one cheat day or meal a week (we strive for only one, but it's hard with social engagements and such, but the most we do is about 2 so I think we're doing pretty well).  All in all I've lost about 5 pounds and about 5" total.  I pretty much lost all the weight in the beginning and was getting a bit frustrated, but I compared my inches the other day and was satisfied that I'm down in all the places - yay!  I think I'm just putting on muscle now (at least that's what I hope!).


One thing I'd say is to only measure/weigh yourself every 2 weeks.  Healthy weight loss is only 1-2 lbs per week and it's easy to get discouraged when you see the scale has only moved one marking... save it up over 2 weeks and you'll feel more motivated.


Are any other ladies out there still working through Insanity? 


I think I might have some motivation to take some midpoint pics now and scrutinize for differences!

Originally Posted by kellygrrrl View Post

ladies - omg, we are BACK from our wedding and honeymoon at the Royal Playa del Carmen, and I have to tell you in a year and a half of planning, one of the best things I ever did was getting in shape with Insanity. I felt soooo good and confident running around in a swimsuit for nine days, and in all the pictures I see muscles, not fat! It was so rewarding to just go enjoy the all-inclusive knowing how hard I'd worked for it, and I returned home to find my free t-shirt in the mail (seriously awesome - on the front it has the Insanity logo, and on the back it says 'I earned it').


I'd like to get back into some sort of routine now that we're home, but I just wanted to pass on that extra motivation for anyone who may need it. In the end it is SO. TOTALLY. WORTH. IT.


best of luck, and keep pushing! ; )



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  • 2 months later...
Originally Posted by Kevin Black View Post


Hey if anyone wants to join my support group, let me know. It's free!!! Look me up on FB


Did you just come on here to advertise?  Are you getting married or was this just an option to send ppl to your page?  If it's the later I really do not think this is appropriate.  This is a destination wedding related board.

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sorry ladies, i banned him but his post must have snuck through.


thanks for the flagging.


on-topic.  I am super interested in trying Insanity.  I tried P90X but could not get past all the equipment needed...too much effort.


do you need to get anything for INSANITY (rubber bands, special weights, door way pull up bar, etc)?


is in insane...? like do i need to be in super shape to do it...i am super lazy and hate working out but really need to lose about 18 lbs.

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hey tammy! so great to see you on here. unlike P90X (which is weight-based), Insanity is all cardio. so you won't need anything except a place to be able to move around and jump up and down. if you want to give it a try, there's a website where you can check it out for free:




depending on how much cardio you've done in the past, I wouldn't recommend going straight into it unless you're somewhat accustomed to working out. I almost passed out in the beginning and couldn't walk for a week, but that's because I went straight from the couch to Insanity. if you're at least doing some sort of walking/jogging/treadmill/elliptical/cardio, you'll be ok. sometimes it takes awhile to get started, but as long as you're patient, you'll get there in no time. if you commit to 6 days/week, you'll be amazed at how fast the weight drops off. I posted some before and afters a few months back - I lost about 10 lbs altogether and dropped 1 - 2 sizes. I really miss it now and need to get back into some sort of routine.


best of luck - let us know how it goes!




Originally Posted by Tammy Host View Post

sorry ladies, i banned him but his post must have snuck through.


thanks for the flagging.


on-topic.  I am super interested in trying Insanity.  I tried P90X but could not get past all the equipment needed...too much effort.


do you need to get anything for INSANITY (rubber bands, special weights, door way pull up bar, etc)?


is in insane...? like do i need to be in super shape to do it...i am super lazy and hate working out but really need to lose about 18 lbs.

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Originally Posted by Tammy Host View Post


sorry ladies, i banned him but his post must have snuck through.


thanks for the flagging.


on-topic.  I am super interested in trying Insanity.  I tried P90X but could not get past all the equipment needed...too much effort.


do you need to get anything for INSANITY (rubber bands, special weights, door way pull up bar, etc)?


is in insane...? like do i need to be in super shape to do it...i am super lazy and hate working out but really need to lose about 18 lbs.

yes it's completely insane and there are absolutely no equipment needed, unless you want to use a mat. I do like it better then p90x because of the lack of equipment  but it is definitely much harder. You don't have to be in "super shape" but I also don't recommend someone being completely out of shape doing it because it requires tons of jumping exercises. Just like you I really hate working out, I'm not completely lazy I'm just always exhausted from my extremely busy life so working out always seems like the last priority for me. Hopes this helps!

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Originally Posted by Tammy Host View Post


sorry ladies, i banned him but his post must have snuck through.


thanks for the flagging.


on-topic.  I am super interested in trying Insanity.  I tried P90X but could not get past all the equipment needed...too much effort.


do you need to get anything for INSANITY (rubber bands, special weights, door way pull up bar, etc)?


is in insane...? like do i need to be in super shape to do it...i am super lazy and hate working out but really need to lose about 18 lbs.


Hi Tammy!!


Insanity is intense and requires commitment but it is so worth it once you start seeing the results.  I LOVE it and would definitely recommend it over P90X any day.  No equipment necessary and it will still kick your butt.  Check out the website and start with the fit test.  Yes you will be dying, sucking wind and wishing you had never considered it by the time your done with the test....or maybe even after the first exercise.  But we can all agree that it is so worth it afterwards and you may even begin to look forward to it.  It is an exciting new workout that will challenge your body and mind but you can push through it.  Just stick with it and DIG DEEPER!!  Good Luck.  Let us know how it goes.

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