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will my manicure and pedicure last for a week??

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So I leave in 8 days!  I have a silly worry right now. My nails are not in the best shape - I had planned on really taking care of them, but nope, didn't happen. They are weak and break easily. I want to get a manicure and pedicure before I leave (I would get them done monday) and the wedding is saturday. I know I can get a manicure at Dreams, or in town, but I really don't want to. Did you ladies notice that your pre-trip mani/pedi lasted until the wedding? Should I just get acrylics? I hate them, but I don't want nasty nails!!

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Everytime i have been on vaca, my mani never lasts from being in the water all the time....once i even got clear polish put on and even that just pealed off after being in the water...i would get it done there, or get it done before you go, so the shape is nice and cuticles are clean, but bring remover and polisher with you to re-do the morning of your wedding if you dont want to go get a profesional one,

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You should get the Axxium/Opi Gel polish. Mine literally lasted three weeks, and the only reason it didn't last is because my nail outgrew the paint job. It does not damage the nail at all, looks just like a gel. You are supposed to get it professionally removed, I didn't and my nails were fine. But it is amazing! You can get it in french and other colors too. It's more expensive but that's because each layer is sealed in with a UV light, but so worth it...about $45.

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I love the Axxium manicure.  I'm all set to have it done next week and then once more before my wedding but I'm worried about how it holds up in the salt water.  Does anyone have an answer to that?


If I were you and you wanted to have it done before you go I would look into that type because it doesn't ruin your nails like acrylics do.  I've had it done 4 times and it's great and you don't get that feeling of not being able to do anything with your hands after and you can still use your nails since they aren't much thicker than your regular nail. 

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If you are getting it done on your real nails, it won't last.  You feet will, but  not the hands.  I find that every time we go away, my toes still look amazing, and my hands are  done by the 3rd day.


I'd get it done there. Get it done a day before your wedding so it dries properly.

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I have tried Axxium and it was okay and did last the 2+ weeks well.  However, I have found that the CND Shellac brand works better (for me) than the OPI Axxium.  Axxium is too thick to me, like real gel, and I have a hard time believing it won't do damamge over time.  CND Shellac is thin like regular polish and its been great!  OPI takes forever to soak off and CND really does take 3 minutes.  I hate to throw you a curve with only a few days but I did some internet research on both before and I am doing my trials now to see what look works best.   So far my vote is for CND Shellac.

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