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"New Resort Opening May 1 2011" NOW LARIMAR ~ PUNTA CANA

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deesanders, I didnt get my std's printed..... I sent it via email & then it directed everyone to our wedding website.... it was cost effective & everyone got to check out the site!  I googled sunsets in DR and in nov I think it was at 6:05  and were having our ceremony at 4

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Hey ladies!

Hope everyone had a good weekend. I still don't have a contract, WTF?


Moni:How long did it take you to get your contract after you had decided on the details?


JB:I really do love those bags.  How much are they each?  I think I would need 10 green and 15 pink bags.  I think if you could get ahold of them I would have you get them for me and of course I would pay shipping.  Let me know how much they were,but I think I would do that for sure.  Just let me know and we can figure out details through email or PM.  Thanks so much, this is awesome. I love this forum.


DeeSanders:I printed my STDs this weekend.  I went to Kinkos/FedEx and had them print them on "cardstock" for me.  They ended up doing glossy and I don't like them so I will be having them redone.  I should have said something right away, but thought they would grow on me.  At any rate, with the paper they were $1.50 per page.  you can fit 3 on a page, although I only did 2 since I had so few to do.  For me it came out to $18, pretty cheap!  I also had them print me some regular paper with my monograms in a line of three along the bottom of the page.  I will cut them vertically and make them into labels.  These were .59 per page and I only did 6 pages.  The only thing I thought was expensive was that he charged me $5 to put the three monograms on one page, since my original only had one on the page.  That made me mad because he told me after the fact and I could have done it myself.  At any rate, it was under $30! If you are doing more than 1 DIY with cardstock(or if you are inviting a lot of guests) I would just buy a pack of it at Hob Lob or Michael's or even Walmart for pretty cheap. I should have done this, now I will be going back to get them redone since neither my FI or myself like the glossy look. Oh well.I think if you bring your own cardstock it is only .69 to print them. Also, I think 4 is a perfect time for that time of year!


Sarah:Have you heard back from your clients who were at Larimar yet?

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They're $1.29 each I think. I have to dig them up my growing pile of wedding stuff... But I'm almost positive that is the price, PM me or e-mail me on how you want to handle this. I'll also let you know if I have coupons that could save you some $$ cheesy.gif

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JB:I will PM you tonight...thanks again


Ok ladies, have you all seen the reviews on trip advisor over the last two weeks? I am starting to really worry.  All reviews have been bad, people are saying the food and service is awful and they are even commenting on bed bugs.  A lot of people are getting sick from the food too.  I wonder what is going on? Just growing pains?  This combined with the lack of response from the WC has me seriously reconsidering my decision yet again.  I felt like the reviews on the NH Real were pretty good, and the reviews on the NOW Jade in Mexico are good.  What do you girls think? Gotta be sure before I start hounding my TA for a contract!

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