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Is this dress too over the top for a DW?

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I think one of my favorite things about having a dw is that there are no set rules! I love breaking every aspect of tradition (well, not every aspect lol) and i say...wear what makes you happy! Your dress is gorgeous and looks great on you!


The dress I chose isn't super full, but it is satin which I've heard isn't necessary sand friendly.  I decided to look for a simple chiffon instead, and even though I really liked a few of them, personally I didn't feel like a bride. One day I was browsing through my Knot magazine and showed my fiance a few dresses, to get a feel for what styles he might like. When I pointed to one of the chiffon dresses, he said "it's nice but don't you have that upstairs?" He said it as a joke, but he was referring to the fact that I wear a lot of dresses in the summer and like that flowy sort of style. That sealed the deal for me...I went back to my original choice (satin) and I don't care what anybody says, lol. I want to feel special and look like a bride on our wedding day, not like I'm going to a summertime picnic : )


Don't get me wrong, I've seen a ton of brides that look amazing in simpler dresses, but it's too much like my personal, everyday style.  Plus I've gone to a few weddings where I've worn that same look, just not white. Going for the "wow" factor as they say, haha. You should too!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately, no! I change my mind everyday whether this is the dress or not. I am waiting a little while and then going to try on my top couple dresses again. My wedding isn't till March so I still have a bit of time. I will definitely post once I decide.

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I think it's over the top, in a great way, and it will look awesome on the beach!!! Seriously, when you pick a dress that you love (it sounds like you are still on the fence) it will not matter where you are wearing it. I bought my dress with the intention of wearing it to a traditional Catholic cathedral wedding, but we've changed our minds about the wedding, yet I am still keeping my dress, veil and all!

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Wear whatever you want. I realized I needed "Bling" when I was trying on dresses and I navigated to a fancier dress than I set out looking for. There is bling in this dress on the flowers but it does not show up in the picture. We are adding more rhinestones and bling jewelry. And by the way, this is not me!! We forgot to take the camera when we purchased!!


My Dress1.jpg

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