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Should my daughter be my junior bride?

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Hey Ladies,


I am kinda going through it.


My daughter is 8 years old but will 9 years old when we get married next year. At first she wanted to be the flower girl and was totally excited. She now wants to be the jr. bride (a mini me). I was going to just have her be a jr. bridesmaid.


Should she be the jr. bride so that she plays more of a role in the wedding or should I just let her be the jr. bridesmaid?


I have never seen this done but someone obviously put this in her head that she can be a jr. bride and wear a white gown like mommy.





After I posted this I realized that I was in the wrong section of the forum.

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I agree with Ann, if that is what she wants to call it, then go right ahead. My neice is being my Princess Girl, cuz she didn't want to be a Flower Girl. I am all about people doing what they want whether it is making it up for themselves, "borrowing" someone elses idea, or following tradition.

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Our daughter is in our wedding as well. She is 8 will be 9 in December. She has been a flower girl in 5 weddings, so I wasn't going to ask her to be one again, so I asked her to be a bridesmaid. My sister was supposed to be my MOH. Well, my sister got pregnant and can't come to mexico, so Hailey got a promotion, lol, she is now the MOH and very very excited about it!


I think its up to you, any job she has in the wedding will be a big deal to her, so whatever you will be happy with, thats whats important.

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I'm not sure what the difference is between jr. bridesmaid and jr. bride. Jr. bride makes me think of a mini-me.. heh! Does a jr. bridesmaid wear the bridesmaid colours but a jr. bride wears white? Are there different responsibilities for each? Just do what's best for you and your daughter.. your the bride so you can do what you want! :)

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I don't think there is anything wrong with her wearing a pretty white dress, I think if it makes her feel special go for it. I allowed all of my children to wear what they wanted, and I think they looked great, and they felt good. I really didn't have titles for any one, all of our children were an important part of this important day in our lives, they all stood up with us, it was a beautiful day for all of us. Liam also wanted to throw flower petals so with tin bucket in hand flower petals were tossed and fun was had, lol.

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You need to do what feels right for you. I believe that children should feel like they are part of the marriage, as it is a big deal for them too. If you are not comfortable with the idea of a junior bride, see if you can find a role that will make her feel like this is for her too.

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Originally Posted by Lizzy View Post
Ok, I am going to be the bad guy here. I think there should be only one bride. A junior bridesmaid is a really big deal. Someday she will be the bride, but this time it is Mom's turn. Just my opinion.
I have to agree with Lizz here... I do think there should only be one bride. I have seen girls be the junior bride and have like bridal portraits and all done... they wear a complete wedding dress with a veil, I just think it can go to far... I think a junior bridesmaid is more appropriate, IMHO.....
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I went to a Belizean wedding last summer where the bridal party included something like 14 people. There were bm's, junior bm's, and 2 of what they called "mini brides". They did not have veils but they had tiny wedding-like dresses. They walked down the aisle after the parents and junior bridesmaids but before the bridesmaids.


In this case the mini brides were nieces and the junior bm's were cousins. There was no difference in their roles, other than the order of procession, and after that they all sat down in the front row. Only the adult bm's stood up. I don't know if it's Belizean tradition or if they made it up, but I saw it firsthand and it was really cute. They got a lot of oohs and awws but not as many as the bride...nobody will see it as a competition. It's your call and your one guaranteed day to have things your way so if you aren't with it don't do it, but if you don't mind then go for it :o)

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