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Anyone have any home remedies for headaches or migraines?


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I had to go to the ER this weekend because I had a 3 day headache/migraine. Nothing would relieve it no advil, tylenol or motrin. It was horrible.


The doctor gave me codine(sp) but I had a bad experience with that stuff when I got my wisdom teeth out. Anyone hve any home remedies?


I've heard green apples help as well as aroma therapy (lavender and eucaliptus(sp)). Any others?

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ohh I am so sorry, that is horrible. The only thing that I can do when I get that bad is put a cold cloth across my eyes and lay down in a verry dark, quiet room. I also drink as much water as I can it usually helps a little. I'm sorry I am of no help, I have fought migrains my whole life with no solutions.

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That brings me to another point. The ER doctor told me to make an apointment with my regular practicioner because there are preventative migraine drugs out there. Kelly have you heard this?

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Yeah I have been on more then one over the years, but nothing has really worked for me, usually I end up with other side effects like an upset tummy. They have worked for others though so you should def give it a shot. The water is really important though so make sure you are well hydrated you will be surprised at the difference it makes. My iron is also a factor in my headaches and my salt intake. I am anemic with low blood pressure so I have to be aware of my diet. I hate salt so it is hard to keep my blood pressure up. I am telling you this because maybe there is a deficency in your body that could be causing the headaches, diet and stress are huge factors in my headaches, so knowing this I must practice preventive measures. Look at your health before deciding on a perscription drug to solve the headaches. If there seems to be no reason for your headaches then try some options your doctor gives you.

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For prevention try to track your diet. I knew a girl who got migraines from aged cheese and nuts.


My mom gets them really bad. When she feels one coming on, she takes a perscription med. I don't which one because she's tried so many. Some of them make you really tired. She would sleep all the time so now she only takes to help prevent or ease the severity.

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this isn't a 'home remedy', but it can help to take a half dose of advil & a half dose of tylenol when you have severe headaches/migraines. One focuses on pain and the other focuses on swelling, which are the 2 components of a headache.


I know that this is the only thing that works for me when I start getting a migraine. I usually take 2 of each and within half an hour, I'm back to normal. Every once in awhile, when I get a migraine so bad that I almost vomit & have light sensitivity, I'll do the same thing and follow up with a one hour nap and then I'm back to normal too...

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OK, weird. I had an excruciating head ache for 5 days starting a week ago. Mine are definitely stress related. And all I want to do is sleep in a dark room. Meds barely touch my headaches, only if I take twice the reccommended dose, which probably isn't very good. Definitely water intake is important.


Kelly - I also have low iron & am supposed to eat more salt! Interesting.


The medication my doctor gave me a few months ago is called Maxalt and it totally didn't work, and in fact I found out it conflicts with another medication I'm taking (thanks doc!). It was EXTREMELY expensive also.


This time I got Midrin & it works if I take 2 to start & then one every four hours. Still though, sleep was my best remedy.


Headaches suck!

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I get bad migraines quite a bit and I've found that using Head On for Migraines works!! It's this little stick...almost looks like a glue stick...and it's full of all kinds of good homeopathic stuff....you just rub it across your forehead (yup you'll look like a dork doing it) and it really helps the pain!


Other than that I'll just sleep them off...I really can't do much else when I have one.

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I'm been dealing with migraines for the last 10 years and I finally went to a neurologist last year. In my case I have a nerve/muscle problem in my neck (can't remember the term for it) that causes regular, nearly daily headaches and these contributed to my migraines.


I did acupuncture, physical therapy and massage and did 2 nerve blocks (I don't recommend these), and now I still get hormonal migraines, but they are much less severe and many times caffeine, a hot shower and some eucalyptus oil on my scalp gets rid of it. I did try prescription medicine, but I also had too many side effects as well.


I agree about drinking lots of water, stretch a lot especially if you do computer work all day. I started doing pilates and I try to take several classes a week. I've also heard yoga is great.


The headache diary is something your doctor will encourage you to do if you begin regular treatment and can help if food/drink are the culprits. I know if I feel headache-y that I have to stay away from beer & wine, and believe it or not yogurt is a horrible trigger for me.


Headaches suck because it is hard to figure out what causes them and to treat them without prescriptions is also hard. I was lucky that I found a Dr. that is really into traditional and alternative treatments.


Good luck!

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