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Steph's DIY passport invites - pictures, instructions and advice

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These are awesome!!!! I love the envelopes you put the passport and RSVP tag inside of!! I was trying to think of what to put them in! Thank you so much for sharing! I am sure your guests will never forget these invites!! Good Job!!

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It was a lot of trial and error for me.  I took the blank template and just wrote the titles of what I wanted, printed that and see where it ended up.  I kept changing it and printing it until I got it where I wanted.  THEN I started designing the pages.  Hope that helps.  I can't access my files until next week or else I'd tell you the order.


Good luck!

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Where are my manners. I did not realize that your wedding was this coming Saturday, please excuse me for pestering you with silly questions while you are off getting married. Congratulations, I'm sure your wedding will be absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for even taking the time to respond.

Originally Posted by skp1 View Post

It was a lot of trial and error for me.  I took the blank template and just wrote the titles of what I wanted, printed that and see where it ended up.  I kept changing it and printing it until I got it where I wanted.  THEN I started designing the pages.  Hope that helps.  I can't access my files until next week or else I'd tell you the order.


Good luck!


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