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Our Lady of Guadalupe Church - Do both Partners need to be Catholic to Marry here?

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I am interested in getting married in Our Lady of Guadalupe church. My fiance is Catholic; I am not. I know at least here in the US, only one partner needs to be Catholic to marry in the church. I am not sure what the rules are in Mexico - I think they vary depending on the church.


Does anyone know if it is OK if only one partner is Catholic or will they require baptismal certificates from both partners?



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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know the answer to your question but I know how you can find the answer. Why don't you use the search function in the forum and search for brides that got married at the church and send them personal message with your question.


One bride that I know "Jess" got married at the church and had her reception at Dreams PV. Good luck

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Thanks. I have searched for other posts about the church, but most seem to be from couples who are both Catholic. I will try contacting them anyway and see if they know the deal regarding marrying a Catholic and a non-Catholic. Or I could just call the church I suppose

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  • 2 months later...

I am getting married there on December 28th and there seems to be no problem with only one of us being Catholic.  I am Catholic and my fiance is Lutheran.  We went to my parish and filled out all paperwork, we had to give them a copy of both of our baptismal certificates, my communion and confirmation certificate, and take a precana class.  My priest had no issue with us getting married in the Catholic church and had me sign a form that indicates that I intend to remain Catholic and raise my future children Catholic.  He is sending all paperwork now to Our Lady of Guadalupe.  We also spoke with Father Esteban and a women who works in the office there and explained groom is Lutheran and they did not say it would be a problem. 


The only thing that we need to still figure out is if it will be a full mass or not since he is not Catholic.


I hope this helps

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