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How soon to start?


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We are getting married in October. I haven't been on many birth control for a year now but FI works out of town and I am pretty good at tracking things on my end! We plan on getting this baby making business going as soon as we are married!! Can't wait!

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Just found this thread and thought I'd chime in since our wedding is coming up soo soon! We know we want children, but aren't 100% sure yet as of when. I have applied to go back to school which would mean putting it off for another 3-4 years and we have the time we're both 28), but now that we are getting closer to being married, the more I want to start our family sooner rather then later. 4 years is not that long, but its long enough that I am not sure I can wait another 4 before children. I also feel like then I'd have to have two much closer together then I'd like. So I am thinking that perhaps I won't go back to school and go on a big trip next year and then start TTC. That's kind of what our plans always were, but then I decided I want t o go back to school but I think it was because I just wasn't enjoying my job 100% at that time. I have gotten an interview for school so I'll see how it goes cause I still may not get in anyway and then once I find out, see how I feel.


@@jackshayne0123 my friend definitely was trying to control when she got pregnant. She is a PhD student and get a 4 month maternity leave while shes a student, so she was trying to work it around her program so that she would be pregnant in her last 4 months so she'd be pretty much done her thesis and wouldn't have too much to do afterwards. They pretty much had 4 months to be able to get pregnant, I think it was a bit stressful for her, but the last month she just kinda gave up hope that it would happen and then lo and behold she was pregnant! Now shes due next week!


Shes the first of my friends to get pregnant and now I am starting to get that baby fever. My sister and sister in law both have 1.5-2 year olds and I thought originally they would make me want to have a baby but it wasn't until now that I think we are really close to being ready.

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Well I should come clean - I am pregnant! 8 weeks today, due end of November, and so far I feel great! No sickness, I'm not overly tired, it's so weird because I don't feel pregnant at all. I keep second guessing myself. Our first ultra sound is next Tuesday, I just want to hear the heartbeat and then I'll feel much better! We are both so excited and I can't believe it happened this quickly! I count my blessings for sure. :)

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@@jackshayne0123 Congratulations!!!! That's so exciting! I hope everything goes well and you continue to feel so great! That was very quick! Ohhh so exciting! Have you guys discussed finding out if its a boy or girl when the time comes?

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congrats so exciting!!!!! How long did you try for? 

Well I should come clean - I am pregnant! 8 weeks today, due end of November, and so far I feel great! No sickness, I'm not overly tired, it's so weird because I don't feel pregnant at all. I keep second guessing myself. Our first ultra sound is next Tuesday, I just want to hear the heartbeat and then I'll feel much better! We are both so excited and I can't believe it happened this quickly! I count my blessings for sure. :)

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Thanks @@csho and @@shan0487! Yes it was very quick, it only took us 2 months! We are really lucky and blessed. I don't want to find out the sex but hubby does....so....I'll probably win. heehee I'm the pregnant one afterall! Our first ultrasound is next week, I'm anxious to see the little bubble and hear the heartbeat, it will feel more real after that and I'll feel more reassured :)

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Well I should come clean - I am pregnant! 8 weeks today, due end of November, and so far I feel great! No sickness, I'm not overly tired, it's so weird because I don't feel pregnant at all. I keep second guessing myself. Our first ultra sound is next Tuesday, I just want to hear the heartbeat and then I'll feel much better! We are both so excited and I can't believe it happened this quickly! I count my blessings for sure. :)


Congrats! That's so exciting! Your first baby is always the most exciting I think! They all are, but the first is just.... even more.  It's weird to be on this site when my kids are all the age of a lot of the ladies here! lmao  And I'm grandma to 7 - 4 girls and 3 boys. Even with each of them it was exciting and so special! They grow up way too quickly, believe me!


Enjoy! And good luck!

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