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How soon to start?


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Congrats on your wedding in July!!

They say that you should start taking folic acid at least 4 months prior to conception.


You can have blood tests to test for Toxoplasmosis.  You can get that from changing cat litter even when you aren't pregnant.  Basically if they do the blood test to check for antibodies against the parasite.  You will only test positve for these antibodies if you have previously been exposed and infected by the parasite.  The results of your blood test will show how recent the exposure and infection from it is.  If you are pregnant and become infected you have a chance of passing it on to your fetus.  It can cause blindness and brain damage to a fetus, therefore you should limit your exposure to cat litter.


Originally Posted by Heidi82 View Post

Hi ladies!


We are not TTC until around 1 1/2- 2 years from now.  We just got married in July.  In November we will have been together 4 years, living together 2 1/2 years and married 4 months.  yay :)

Neither of us are ready yet to bring kids into this world.  We go out of town almost every other weekend and we love to travel and have selfish "me time".  BUT I turn 30 next summer so it's always in the back of my mind.


It's good to know what to keep in mind (the BC pills, folic acid, etc.)  My OB/GYN actually told me to start taking folic acid as soon as I told her I was getting married. I guess she thought it could happen anytime accidentally??  I've been on and off the pill for 12 years.  That freaks me out.


Question:  Why does you have to have a blood test if you have cats and what is it for?

We have two kitties and I am the PRIMARY cleaner of the litter box LOL



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Originally Posted by elisamarie View Post



Hi  I am also 33 and am hypothyroid but I take the daily thyroid supplements  - have you heard that it is still difficult even with taking the supplements - I hope not! I am on levothyroxine





I also take a daily thyroid stimulant, synthroid. It can be an issue if you thyroid isn't stimulating the right hormones. Thankfully, in Canada, they do test TSH so we should be fine. We are going on 6 months of TTC without a success, but I'm hoping this will be it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just found this thread.  I am 32 yrs old, and my hubby is 35 yrs old.  We got married in Oct 2011, and want TTC asap after our wedding.  The number one reason is my age, my doctor said above 35 yrs old is considered high risk, so if I want to have 2 kids,..I better start asap.  Have anyone try those ovulation test?  


On the other hand, we both love to travel, and enjoy OUR time.  Looking at others doesn't encourage us to have kids neither. We got a lot of friends who just got kids, and disappeared from our social radar since their baby's arrival or got into fights all the time.  Some are trying forever to TTC, and going to get expensive treatments after treatments.  

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No problem!  I had to do a 14 page paper on that topic in my nursing research course.


Originally Posted by Heidi82 View Post

Thanks JayKay.  That really helps me to understand the blood tests.  So hopefully two years from now we'll be TTC!

OH the wait....It seems so long!!


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I just found this thread.  I am 32 yrs old, and my hubby is 35 yrs old.  We got married in Oct 2011, and want TTC asap after our wedding.  The number one reason is my age, my doctor said above 35 yrs old is considered high risk, so if I want to have 2 kids,..I better start asap.  Have anyone try those ovulation test?   On the other hand, we both love to travel, and enjoy OUR time.  Looking at others doesn't encourage us to have kids neither. We got a lot of friends who just got kids, and disappeared from our social radar since their baby's arrival or got into fights all the time.  Some are trying forever to TTC, and going to get expensive treatments after treatments.  
I stopped taking bcp right after our wedding and we still haven't had any luck conceiving. It could happen right away or you encounter difficulties. Either way you still have almost another year before baby arrives to join your family. I would have gladly given up some of our recent experiences if it meant a baby was on the way. Its an amazing thing that shouldn't be put on hold because you never know when it might happen.
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Originally Posted by mochamakes3 View Post



I stopped taking bcp right after our wedding and we still haven't had any luck conceiving. It could happen right away or you encounter difficulties. Either way you still have almost another year before baby arrives to join your family. I would have gladly given up some of our recent experiences if it meant a baby was on the way. Its an amazing thing that shouldn't be put on hold because you never know when it might happen.


Mocha I bolded part of your quote.  This is so true, and the reason why my FI and I will TTC right away.  We are both over 30, so time is not on our side.  It took me a long time to come to this decision because I was worried about losing out on those experiences, traveling, moving forward in my career.  Some people in my life that are struggling with fertitlity issues, gave me some great advice... your job and those places will always be there... start now because if somethings wrong then you still have time to resolve the issue. 


I would recommend to anyone considering TTC to check out the Fertility friend website and read Taking Charge of Your Fertility.  That book was an eye opener, all my life I've been told that you can get knocked up at any time.  Its so not true!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


You are right, it can happen right away.  I removed my IUD in August, since I didn't had any period for 6 years because of the IUD, my doctor recommended me to wait for at least one cycle (so he can estimate the due date ...etc).  I have been on pills since 14 yrs old, I thought maybe it would take a while to my body to re-adjust.

So after honeymoon in September, AHR in October...me and hubby decided to try in November, and surprise surprise...we got it with 1 strike, I am a preggie now. 

The only inconvenience for now is I can't drink champagne/wine in the holiday season!  If I knew it is this easy to get knocked up, I would've wait after the holidays. I know..I know...Like you said, we never know when it might happen.

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Originally Posted by Mayanbride View Post



You are right, it can happen right away.  I removed my IUD in August, since I didn't had any period for 6 years because of the IUD, my doctor recommended me to wait for at least one cycle (so he can estimate the due date ...etc).  I have been on pills since 14 yrs old, I thought maybe it would take a while to my body to re-adjust.

So after honeymoon in September, AHR in October...me and hubby decided to try in November, and surprise surprise...we got it with 1 strike, I am a preggie now. 

The only inconvenience for now is I can't drink champagne/wine in the holiday season!  If I knew it is this easy to get knocked up, I would've wait after the holidays. I know..I know...Like you said, we never know when it might happen.


Congratulations! You are definitely one of the lucky ones to get pregnant right away... On the other hand, it can also take months, years or not ever happen. I would hate to find out that we waited too long. So it's best to just start trying as soon as you're ready. I hope you have a great pregnancy and just think, next year you'll have a little one running around.

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