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Why domy sisters piss me off


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I'm sorry for this rant but need to let this out. 


So I have been planning my wedding since December 09 and we are finally getting married in three months.  Very excited!!!   The problem is both my sisters (we are triplets) are pissing me off.  They seem to think that this wedding is theirs and they must give their "advice" hence telling me everything we are doing is crap.  So we have three months to go and because of their "busy" schedule we have not been able to get bridesmaid gowns.  Mind you they are self appointed bridesmaids.  So everytime I tell them we need to look for gowns they tell me oo I know this great designer at Niemans and blah blah blah.  comes to find out their idea of a bridesmaid gown is something you would wear to NY night club.  I'm like NOOO way.  One sister wants to wear a skin tight mini dress while the other needs to be very expensive.  So we finally started looking today for dresses and everything that I picked they had to make a comment.  Even one of them went as far to say her Boyfriend does not like the color blue (one of my bridal colors) and we should change.  I'm like no and she even had to the balls to ask me if he can wear black punk rock closes witha bandana  I just looked at her and said if you think that is really appropriate than he can wear what is wedding appropriate.  During the entire time of them telling me how everything I like and how I should just let them pick the color and dress of their dresses and I will have to deal with it.  I was just sooo pissed I walked away and they had the nerve to say that I was acting like a Bridezilla.  I was like ME I don't think so as I have bending over backwards to accomodate them and now i just want to elope and wished that we did do that.  I'm sooo sick of having to defend my decisions and telling them of what i want.  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH



Ok I'm sorry for this rant.

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Wow Jen, that's pretty insane.  Are you really close with your sisters?  Is there any way you can sit them down and just say "listen, I know we have different ideas on what the perfect wedding should look like, but this is my wedding and I'm hoping that you two can support me in whatever choices I make!"  Or something along those lines.....the point I'm trying to make is to bring to light the fact that its YOUR wedding.  Also, how old are you girls???  Their actions just seem really juvenille to me.  Have they had friends go through wedding experiences, or is this all new to them?  It all just seems so strange!

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Yes it has been the most stress I am dealing with.  We are 27 years so they should be old enough to stop acting like an immature 17 year old.  We've all had friends that have been married and that we've helped with their wedding.  I have tried several times to sit down with them and tell them how I feel and they just say that I am a Bridezilla.   I am at the point of going to buy dresses myself for them and just handing it to them and saying this is what you are wearing period. 

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Sounds like the best solution to me!  You don't need this kind of stress a few months before your wedding.  Just say "these are the BM dresses. If you want to be a BM then wear it.  If you don't like it, then don't be apart of MY day!!!" 

But to put the issue to total rest, maybe you can get someone that you are all close with to talk to them (your FI, mom, dad).  Are they perhaps jealous of you getting married first, because I have seen other sisters do this too(my cousin, who is the youngest sister, got married first and the older sisters bought different dresses to wear 3 days before the wedding!!  I think the bride had given up fighting them at this point, but it looked very odd and obvious since everything about the wedding was pale blue and the BM were wearing bright purple!!)


Originally Posted by jenngene2011 View Post

Yes it has been the most stress I am dealing with.  We are 27 years so they should be old enough to stop acting like an immature 17 year old.  We've all had friends that have been married and that we've helped with their wedding.  I have tried several times to sit down with them and tell them how I feel and they just say that I am a Bridezilla.   I am at the point of going to buy dresses myself for them and just handing it to them and saying this is what you are wearing period. 

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My only other suggestion would be to say "Even if I am acting like a Bridezilla, which I don't believe I am, please let me have my day be special.  In return, I promise to where whatever bridesmaid's dress you pick for me when it is your wedding (assuming I can afford it).  Deal?"  I think a BM should always be willing to wear whatever the bride asks (as long as she can afford it and you are able to walk in the heels she picks).  If the dress is ugly, it is obvious that the bride picked it so the BM won't be judged.

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