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Engaged in Italy

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Talking Engaged in Italia <3
I just realized I'm almost 1.6 away from my wedding date and I never officially posted my proposal story! Thank you to this forum who has helped me plan my wedding with amazing ideas, support, and helpful information!!

My fiance and I planned on a trip in May 2010 to Italy to celebrate a mix of things, my college graduation and my birthday, mostly. The flight was a lovely gift from him as well. He kept pushing for us to go somewhere nice for awhile but since I earned very little due to my student teaching, I wasn't sure it was the best idea financially. Italy was my dream vacation for yearsss so we finally made it happen. Venice to Rome for 8 days. What an amazing trip I would do all over again with additional pit stops.

(Proposal - taken from our wedding website)
The proposal was romantic and amazing! We're a couple who loves to travel, so when Michael suggested we go to Italy, I didn't think much of it- although he always joked around saying he would propose in Venice on a gondola ride. After that gondola ride, I was pretty sure it wasn't going to happen. We were toward the end of our trip in Rome and that Sunday was one of the most exhausting days ever! We saw the Vatican (& Pope), Colosseum, Forum Hill, Spanish Steps, and other historical sites along the way. Mind you, we walked all of this. We went grocery shopping and made our own dinner (pizza!) Even though I got the wrong dough, it did taste delicious. After, Mike opted making coffee and suggest we get one on the way to the Trevi Fountain. So we went on a small stroll and we knew we were close when we heard the water. I was in absolute awe. Such an amazing place! We both got a cappuccino adjacent to the fountain, with some delicious tiramisu. We then sat on the steps, along with many tourists and locals. Mike got his camera and said he was going to take photos and then to meet him down there so we could make our wishes. You throw a coin into the fountain and make a wish, also it guarantees your return to Rome. When we went back to sitting, we spoke of our wishes and he asked me mine. I said to be happy in life. When I asked him his, he said "For you to be my wife." At first I didn't believe him since he's a jokester and has played around before, so my response was "Yeah babe, you know I will one day." Then he asked again and I responded with "Are you being serious? If you are, where's the ring?" He said, "In my pocket, hold on." Once he took it out and I saw it I knew he was being serious! He put it on my finger, and on one knee...on a step, he asked "Will you marry me?" I said "Yes!!!" and just hugged him so tightly and gave him so many kissies! 

Here's our first picture as an engaged couple!

The ring, 1.52 Round Brilliant, from wonderful Fortunoffs before they went out of business, I'll admit I picked the stone :P and a setting from different rings..so it's not like I saw the actual ring lol He was an amazing bf, he gave me a price range and I was 60% less of what he wanted to spend and bigger than 1ct, cause he said it was too small for me lol He's funny! nuts.gif I felt like the 1.5 range was perfect bc it symbolized who we are and where we are now in life. I dont ever want to upgrade and this is my absolute dream ring.

Since our engagement, we have visited Mexico, found the perfect resort we're marrying at, bought a wedding dress, sent out save the dates, pretty much the big stuff out of the way and I'm very exited. We're starting our house hunt this week. Everything is about perfect..other than my weight lol and I have no steady job (recent college grad amongst the many teachers without a job in NJ)

Thanks for letting me share :)
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