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disposable cameras - yes or no?

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I'm trying to determine if I should get these or not.  My first instinct was no - everyone has a digital camera and we set up a photo share site.  But, we really liked the idea of having a "scavenger hunt" list of photos for each table (IE, B&G kissing, cutest kid, group shot, etc).  Cost isn't an issue because we'll only have about 5 tables.  Should we just tell people to take the photos on list and upload them to the photo share site?  Or have the disposable cameras on the table too?  I prefer digital due to the quality, but think a lot of people may forget to upload them.

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I think people will take pictures on the digital cams... I would just ask guests to make you a cd once they return with the photos.  I know that some will drag their feet, but it may be just a waste of money (although not an issue) to actually put these.  BUT if you have kids coming, I would give them each one camera.  We did that once for a anniversary and couldn't believe the pictures kids took. They are awesome. They feel like they have a 'mission' at the party....


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Your guest will definitely have cameras since technically they are on vacation as well as attending your wedding.  I think you will probably get a better chance of people uploading.... though I don't know.  I say if you want to do it, do it! LOL  Sorry not much help here... I love the idea of giving kids the cameras though!!!

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We handed out 12 disposable cameras(1 per room) before we even left for Mexico and asked everyone to take photos all week long.  It did cost a bit more than expected to have them developed, but the photos are great!  Some are bad quality, but still memories!  We handed a lot of those photos back out to the people in the shots with their thank you cards too. 

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You don't have to buy many disposable cameras, maybe just a handful for a few select tables.   I don't know about the scavenger hunt.   People at your wedding should be there to watch you get married.   When you introduce a scavenger hunt, it almost seems like work to me and people usually get enough of it Monday - Friday. 

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I thought about putting cameras in the OOT bags but then figured people may forget to turn them in.  plus, as jeanny points out, I don't want people to "work."  But a short list at the table seems like fun.  Maybe I'll write on the top of the list to use the disposable camera or you own and let people decide for themselves.

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Im counting on people bringing thier own camera and I may bring a few extra ( I have 3 for some reason) and give them to people to take pictures. I really hope people upload thier pics but im not afraid to bother people to get them!! the scavenger hunt would be cute but im sure poeple will get a good variety on thier own.

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