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Alcohol-Free AHR??????

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We are planning a formal AHR this summer for all our friends and family after our return from Jamaica. My fiance and I don't drink alcohol and haven't for quite some time. Our close friends and family know this and avoid drinking around us or inviting us out to bars...but what about our extended relatives who will be attending? My fiance and I would like to not serve any alcoholic drinks and instead serve mocktails and fruit smoothies. Do you think people will expect alcohol to be there and be disapointed/upset if there isn't? If guests find out beforehand..do you think they will try to bring their own in?

Please help!

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Who cares what other people expect?  its your day and should be celebrated in your style.  I would make it clear that there will not be alcohol and that people are not allowed to bring their own.  Sure some people may be disappointed, but that's better than you being disappointed, right?!?!  You are celebrating your marriage and commitment to your husband and this should be done according to your style.  i don't think you should feel guilty about this at all and don't worry about expectations of others.  if they love you and respect you this won't be a problem.  Have Fun!!!

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I completely agree with islandbride8 - if you don't want alcohol, then there should not be alcohol.  I think it would be good to indicate this on the invitation, just so people are not surprised when they get there.  Guests would have no right to be disappointed, but it is best to let them know ahead of time that this will be a dry event.

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I agree with the other posters.  My FI and I are in the same position as you.  Neither of us drink (and haven't for some time), and a good amount of our friends also don't.  But all of your family, and some of our other friends do drink.  We decided to go with the open bar, but that's completely your preference.  We are having a formal reception, as though we had a traditional wedding, since we are getting married in the off-season for where I live and were able to get a tremendous deal.  Whatever you choose, it's your day!

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Perhaps you can make an AHR website and include the no-alcohol wedding info on there. Or, spread the word the old fashioned way and it'll get around. Then again, you don't have to say anything. People should be coming to celebrate the couple, not looking for alcohol. If they decide to show up, and there isn't any, then no big deal. Your menu items still sound appealing. If it still bugs you, just make a cute little vintage sign about there being no alcohol and make a joke out of not telling people on purpose so they'd come. Just don't sweat it is my opinion. All the best!

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