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Hello ladies!


I am doing MIB for our STDs. I love the idea of putting some Coconut fragrance oil on the cork/ in the bottle, but I can't seem to FIND any! I tried Michaels, JoAnn Fabrics, Bed Bath and Beyond, The Body Shop, and Bath and Body Works. NOTHING! 


I picked up some Vanilla Lime stuff, but it's just not the same. I thought it would be more Limey...Anyone know where I can find some GOOD smelling coconut oil??



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I've gotten coconut perfume oil from the Body Shop here in Canada as well as Pina Colada scented oil for putting on light bulb rings, cotton balls, etc.


I just checked their website and noticed they don't carry either anymore.  Here's the link for the stuff I have, if you can find it, it would work great.  http://www.thebodyshop.com/_en/_ww/catalog/product.aspx?ParentCatCode=C_Fragrance&catcode=C_Fragrance_PerfumeOils&prdcode=77629m 


You could try perfumes from Demeter they have all kinds of tropical scents, love the banana flambe.

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