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Who is the Best Photographer in the Cancun/Riviera Maya Area? PLEASE HELP!

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I'm easygoing where most aspects of a DW are concerned, but photography is the one thing I want to be PERFECT.  It's absolutely the most important decision for me, way more than the dress, ring, venue, flowers, or anything else ever could be.  The way I see it, none of those other decisions matter, if they are not perfectly captured in photos.  


That said, there are so many amazing photographers to choose from, I'm feeling overwhelmed!  


One thing I'm noticing when looking through galleries and blogs is that I'm able to get a very clear idea of someone's style and ability where the ceremonies are concerned, but there are far fewer reception pictures to look through.  I realize a lot of photographers are only there for so many hours, so it makes sense, but I really want to get a good look at what these photographers can do in low light before I narrow down my choices and start contacting them. 


Several photographers have my attention with their beach ceremony pictures, but looking through the few reception pictures I can find, I feel a lot of them are far too grainy, or much too dull, or simply do not live up to my expectations.  Judging from the amazing pictures these same photographers are able to take in the day time, I realize I'm going to have to be very critical of the reception work, if I ever hope to narrow down my choices.


I'd love to hear, especially from brides who've been around this forum long enough to have seen countless wedding albums, which photographers consistently produce glowing, magazine-quality images at receptions, where lighting is often very dim?


Would love to see examples!

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Also, where price is concerned, what is the upper end of the spectrum like?  $4K?  $8K?  $12K?  I'm certainly not able to go as high as that, but I would like to have some ballpark idea.  I realize I have incredibly high expectations, and I don't want that to translate into a bride who expects $10K quality images from photographers for a $5K price tag.  I just want the absolute best my budget will allow.


If it helps to know, I'm not that interested in having a bunch of albums, videography, or any of the extras most brides probably care about.  I just want stellar image quality, full coverage of the event, images on CD, and the best ones in print.

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I can understand your worry! that's why my finance and I decided to fly to the resort and see it in person! While we were there I made sure I booked a couple of appointment with the photographers we thought was the best of the best!

All of them were all real nice when we met them but since we know a lot about photographer we just wanted to be sure we knew...

It also depends on your budget! we were trying to stay within the 2k and you can definitely do that if you get a local photographer.

I definitely recommend Citalli Rico! she tells a story with her pictures! Who we also considered and was just as good (better in price though) was Sasha Gluck!

I'm sure either one you will love, that's if you like that style of photography.


Good luck!


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Thanks, Vanessa!  I noticed others recommended those two photographers, as well, so I checked them both out.  Citalli Rico's work is fantastic!  I ended up spending a few hours on her blog today, looking at all the weddings she's done.  She has a lot of great reception photos, too, which was exactly what I was hoping to see.


Two others that send my heart racing are Elizabeth Medina and Del Sol, although I'm guessing they're more expensive.  Our budget is in the early rough draft stages, but I know I'll be cutting a lot of categories down to the bare bones to add extra cash to our photography allowance.  We really want to do a Trash the Dress session, which could very well double our photography bill. I'm certain nothing else will cost us as much as our pictures, but struggling with where to cap the cost.


We've weighed the pros and cons of hiring locally versus flying someone in and can't see much point at all in the latter, so we're definitely going to hire locally.


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I completely agree with you.  The photographs are the way to revisit a time that will fly by so fast.  I have budgeted more than half my wedding for photos, and we looked at the work from I am fairly certain everyone out there.  High end photography will run from 3000-10000 depending on exactly what you want from the photographer.  Keep in mind that this is a form of art, and you are not only paying for a skill, talent and vision but also the entire editing team.  That being said, contact the photographers, they all have photos of the things you want to see.  For our purposed we are choosing Del Sol for exactly the reasons you bring up, I want the pictures of the moments that matter, things that will be part of our memories, the preparation, the laughter the tears and the joy, all around.  I have seen the coverage of roughly 80 of their clients and also took the time to read their blogs and take note of their personalities.  I think that is very important because if you are a tongue in cheek bride who was a twisted sense of humor you will have a very different idea of what is important from a very stoic ocd personality, At the end of the day, your level of comfort with the person taking your photographs is going to be what makes or breaks those photos.  These are a very personal thing and when the wedding is over you want something tangible to hang on to that doesnt make you feel like you are seeing something that wasnt real.

Originally Posted by cherany View Post

I'm easygoing where most aspects of a DW are concerned, but photography is the one thing I want to be PERFECT.  It's absolutely the most important decision for me, way more than the dress, ring, venue, flowers, or anything else ever could be.  The way I see it, none of those other decisions matter, if they are not perfectly captured in photos.  


That said, there are so many amazing photographers to choose from, I'm feeling overwhelmed!  




One thing I'm noticing when looking through galleries and blogs is that I'm able to get a very clear idea of someone's style and ability where the ceremonies are concerned, but there are far fewer reception pictures to look through.  I realize a lot of photographers are only there for so many hours, so it makes sense, but I really want to get a good look at what these photographers can do in low light before I narrow down my choices and start contacting them. 


Several photographers have my attention with their beach ceremony pictures, but looking through the few reception pictures I can find, I feel a lot of them are far too grainy, or much too dull, or simply do not live up to my expectations.  Judging from the amazing pictures these same photographers are able to take in the day time, I realize I'm going to have to be very critical of the reception work, if I ever hope to narrow down my choices.


I'd love to hear, especially from brides who've been around this forum long enough to have seen countless wedding albums, which photographers consistently produce glowing, magazine-quality images at receptions, where lighting is often very dim?


Would love to see examples!


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