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The Hard Rock Punta Cana

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HI Vinarum,


OMG I'm so sorry to hear that you are not happy. This is what has me freaking out about the HRH WP. She never calls you back and doesn't answer emails. I really hope that your special day goes well!!! I can't wait to hear your review. I hope they get it together in time for your special day!

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I have to agree with all you frustrated BRIDES!!! I am getting married there in 4 weeks (YES, 4 weeks). We still don't have everything "approved", and there are extra costs for everything. We even have to pay to have extra chairs on the beach for our ceremony (we have to pay for 40 extra chairs as we have 70 guests & they only cover 30 chairs- WTF???). Yes, we did sign our contract over a year ago & our proposal is wrong every time I receive it. It is so frustrating!!! I have a telephone meeting this week & I am about to EXPLODE!!!

The worst part is that I have been a part of multiple destination weddings in the past & NONE of them had any problems or confusion planning their wedding. This has been a NIGHTMARE!!

My only hope (prayer) is that it "all works out in the end". At least that's what they keep telling me.

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Angcory - i read somewhere that it's quite troublesome with the civil ceremony and that it would be easier to have a symbolic ceremony and sign the wedding papers in your home town. Going with the symbolic ceremony will actually save you some money as well.

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Ok girls I just came back from hard rock, and this is definitly the best place to do it if you have like 30 guest. The extras: 1- 6$ for each chair (in gazebo if you have more than 30 people) 8$ more on each chair for the liniens or you can left the chair unchlothed. Thats a total of 14$ more for each dressed chair 2- the reception, on terrace or ballroom you pay 300$ for each table of the collection (8 people each table) or 50$ per person(8 people wpuld be 400$ I recomend the collection here. 3- ouside vendors, like decoration, dj or something like that have to pay an insurance of around 500$ to bring someone from outside. 4- photographer you have to pay for 1 room 1 night, no extra fee besides that 5- outside wedding planner, no fees 6- catholic ceremony 500$ more 7- unlimited private functions ( in case you apply remember only for 30) you can bring your own decorations for this with no extra charge. I foun interesting chossing an area on a different restaurant each day witch they prepare a separeted space for your guest but with the common white chairs and tabble 8- welcome bags: the service of put one on each bed is 2$ or you can put a reception table on the grup lobby and ask someone of the family to give it there 9- dj is an extra cost, you should ask for the packages 10- Hour limit: 3 hs for free and 60$ for each table you have (but the maximun limit is 11 for exterior and 12 for interior) I dont think this should be a problem since you can have your simbolic or catholic ceremony on the gazebo and a small reception there (like 2hs) plus the dormal dinner on a terrace or ballrom (another 3hs) Do not worry about this since the hotel is enormous, everybody will be so tired of the beach and walking around, that wont go more than 5 hours. And if you fell like party go to the moon lounge disco (free) or the oro disco (private and pay extra for entry and drinks) after the dinner 11- The food: forget about this Im so shure you would have more than one getting sick, but for eating and drinking too much. The food of the hotel is very good, and I tried almost every restaurant! So this wont be such important 12- activities! A lot, nigth shows, beach shows a lot to do! 13 would higly recomend a trip to isla saona (1:30 min on bus and 1hour on catamaran boat) you have to wake up at 6:30am to leave but I think it worth it. Dont expect luxury here because is like a virgin island but very beautiful and completely different from punta cana beach. Ok girls this is all I can remember! Feel free to ask anything else and apologise my english and some mistakes!

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The wedding planner I met is Jeanly she is the coordinator of latin american brides. She was simply awsome, answer mi emails instantly send me prices, forms etc. She explained me that the Hard Rock is no longer a palace resorts, thats probably why you're having so many problems contacting with wedding planers from palace in miami. I also met luciana the receptionist from the wedding planner dept Luciana: [email protected] Jeanly: [email protected] Im not shure they can help you as well but they were very nice to me!

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