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Bummed about my "inactive" groom


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:o(  awww.... I hope he changes his mind!!  Maybe a breakdown like mine would help? LOL  Engagement pictures was suprisingly something I didn't have to struggle with...although I did win an E-shoot with a photog on here up in NYC after our original ones and he would have nothing to do with it lol...I get that though!


Hopefully he'll turn around and do them with you...sometimes I think it really just takes a little explaining of how much it means and why you want them...and some time for them to think about it.  Good luck hun!!

Originally Posted by Jamaica2012 View Post

So my FI told me a couple wks ago that he refuses to do engagement pics because he thinks they are pointless.  Well I begged him and pleaded! He still refuses and after I thought about it more I realize that he does have a point,  but I just want these pretty pictures.  We do we have many nice pictures of us and I think he just doesn't like posing and doing weird things for the pics. But I'm not giving up. I keep hinting to him and I won't lose hope! :-) but I have to realize that I can't make him do anything and guys will do whatever they want.


But tonight he did randomly ask me what I thought of a resort that his mom and I are considering booking for our destination wedding.  That was nice! Makes me appreciate when he does get involved. 


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Thanks jszy10! I did try the 'break down' strategy already and that didn't work! LOL. But his good friend is the one who has offered to take our engagement pics and tonight he was over at her house and she asked him about it. He said that he's not against it, just not this month! Yay! So you're saying there is hope!!!! We'll try next month I guess :-)


Wow, that's awesome that you won a shoot though, I never win anything!

Originally Posted by jszy10 View Post

:o(  awww.... I hope he changes his mind!!  Maybe a breakdown like mine would help? LOL  Engagement pictures was suprisingly something I didn't have to struggle with...although I did win an E-shoot with a photog on here up in NYC after our original ones and he would have nothing to do with it lol...I get that though!


Hopefully he'll turn around and do them with you...sometimes I think it really just takes a little explaining of how much it means and why you want them...and some time for them to think about it.  Good luck hun!!



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Yay!!!  Yeah definitely give it a little time and I'm sure he'll come around :o)


haha yeah...it was really a promo that a vendor on here was doing because he was coming to the states for a week.  We obviously didn't get to take advantage of it! haha  But thats ok..

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Maybe once he realizes that the e-shoot is all about cuddling and kissing in front of the camera he will change his mind. My Hubby wasn't at all interested in doing the shoot, but I booked it and told him he had no choice. We had a fabulous time and afterwards he asked why I didn't just tell him it was going to be two hours of making out.

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We just did an "engagement" photo session this weekend - my friend is totally into photography and he was visiting this weekend and I basically just told my fiance that we are doing it.  I think if I had asked a few months ago he would have refused but now he's starting to feel bad because some of my friends (including this one) can't make it to the wedding.  I practically has to drag him off the couch but he was a trooper.  We have a total of 380 pictures from just about an hour in the park.  I'm down to 300 by eliminating the ones where eyes are closed or just bad.  Now I have to go through the rest.  There are really only about a dozen different shots, but his camera shoots so fast he just kept clicking. My new profile pic is one of them (although that one was from my camera which isn't nearly as good).


Anyway, I too have been frustrated with my fiance's lack of involvement.  In some ways its easier, but like you said, I really do care what he thinks.  Also, he has this habit of agreeing to everything and then at the last minute he wants change things (this is also with non-wedding things too).  I've had a few of those break-downs too.  I asked him last month if he even knew where we were going on our honeymoon and he DIDN'T.  he knew it was Hawaii but no idea what island. He can't be bothered with the details.

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Yeah that's a great idea! I'll tell him the photo shoot will be foreplay and he'll get the rest when we get home! I'll try it! ;-)

Originally Posted by mochamakes3 View Post

Maybe once he realizes that the e-shoot is all about cuddling and kissing in front of the camera he will change his mind. My Hubby wasn't at all interested in doing the shoot, but I booked it and told him he had no choice. We had a fabulous time and afterwards he asked why I didn't just tell him it was going to be two hours of making out.


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