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Stressed out NOOB- July 2011 Oahu, Hawaii


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So, I'm Danielle. I got in engaged in October and am set to get married on July 3rd in Oahu, Hawaii. With the dawn of the new year... it hit me that I am getting married in seven months and haven't gotten nearly enough done. Now I'm worried I won't get everything done in time. My best friend was my maid of honor, who became quite distant since the engagement and has since dropped off the face of the earth since she told me she's no longer coming to the wedding. Not having the greatest support system, I'm kinda going at this alone and a semi-tight budget makes it so I've decided to forgo the wedding planner and I'm making quite a bit of the decorations and invites myself. I just feel like I'm losing my mind... there's so much that still needs to be done, I'm just soooo burnt out that I'm venting on a wedding forum. What do I do next?

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First off Congrats on your engagement! Secondly relax, honestly, I just got engaged on Halloween 2010, we are getting married May 13 2011 so I understand how the time crunch can make things maddening, take it one step at a time, I went by what was most important to me and my FI, resort...photographer...dinner/party reception..invites...flowers..now little things like decorations/welcomebags/favors...Hawaii is amazing you won't need much as far as decorations go be thankful for that! This forum is super helpful with planning process check out the wedding planning journals...lastly I also completely understand the missing best friend thing...I have two best friends one from high school one from college...my friend from college told me she WANTS to get pregnant (not is but wants to) sp she doesnt watn to commit to our wedding, we have spoken since that just nothing about weddings, she asks nothing, so I say nothing, Ironically my BFF from highschool WILL be 7 month pregnant at our wedding adn is so helpful! So I take from these situations, that peoples true colors really show, glad it happened sooner than later I know who to call when I need someone and who not to...anyway hope all goes well with your planning, PM me if you need

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Hi and congrats! 

Yeah first of all put the panic aside. It will only make it more difficult. You have come to the right place. There is tons and tons of info and helpful advice here. You will see over time that things will just fall into place.

Not sure how things work in Hawaii, but I am getting married in Punta Cana and the hotel (all of them) have wedding coordinators with no extra charge (actually I guess it is included in the package ;)).

I got my self one of those wedding checklists, crossed off all that I am not doing (like hiring a florist) and then I went through the things I thought were going to take the most time (like invitations and choosing a dress - I ended up having to go dress-shopping all over again three months before the wedding. Sad story). Little details, such as decorations and OOT bags I left for the end. 

Happy planning and be calm. You're going to get a lot more done and better when you relax. 

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You ladies are great! I think I'll make you all my right-hand bridesmaids. :) I already feel a little less panicked, although I did do some binge shopping for more supplies to make an army of decorations last night. Next time I'll try taking deep breaths and concentrate on the bigger items instead of all the things to do, at once.


DiamondGirl, we rented the Ka'a'awa Plantation Estate to have the wedding and reception since it has enough room and beds for 22 people. There's a private beach across the street where I want the ceremony, but I'm not sure it's big enough. I think it's only a "strip" of beach and sand.

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Congrats on your engagement:)  At first things can seem super overwhelming, but try to stay positive.  We made a list of what is super important to us and we are going to try to stick to it and the things at the top of the list need to be done and things at the bottom will only be done if we have time/money.  Sit down and make a list of everything you can think of and then organize them to what is important, that will help you!  Try not to get to overwhelmed! You still have time!  Good luck and hope you can find lots of useful information here:)

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Originally Posted by FahKit View Post


You ladies are great! I think I'll make you all my right-hand bridesmaids. :) I already feel a little less panicked, although I did do some binge shopping for more supplies to make an army of decorations last night. Next time I'll try taking deep breaths and concentrate on the bigger items instead of all the things to do, at once.


DiamondGirl, we rented the Ka'a'awa Plantation Estate to have the wedding and reception since it has enough room and beds for 22 people. There's a private beach across the street where I want the ceremony, but I'm not sure it's big enough. I think it's only a "strip" of beach and sand.


@Fahkit- sounds amazing! I wouldn't worry too much about decorations since it's a beach wedding, nature's back drop will suffice. Nothing beats the back drop of a beach ceremony. As far as center pieces for the reception, try to keep things simple. Less is more and can look beautiful. FYI: my centerpieces will be hurricane vases with sand, seashells and a pillar candle with pink rose petals on the table surrounding the vase for a hint of color, with votive candles. Perfect for a beach wedding! I did away with flowers all together to save on cost and stress of choosing flower arrangements. You can get plenty of ideas on this forum for center pieces from previous brides. Like the rest of the ladies have said.... You've come to the right place. Don't stress and enjoy you're planning. It supposed to be fun! I know it's easier said than done, but try :)


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We did a renewal of vows there at Kaawa Plantation in January and originally the couple thought they might use the chapel, but it has a lovely garden with pool and once they arrived they opted for the garden. There were about thirty people. Take my advice and have the wedding on the lawn with the flowers and tropical plants in the background and than take photos on the beach afterward. The vow renewal is on utube so you can see how the location looks: http://www.youtube.com/user/waikikivids?feature=mhum#p/a/u/1/rC6O14bGZMk

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