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OOT Bags - Anyone DISLIKE???

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Question for all you ladies - are you making one bag per person or one bag per couple?

We're going to make one per couple and double up on anything like chapstick if we add that. Also, might make a completely different one for kids with beach toys, bubbles are a great idea! And maybe coloring books/crayons.


Just wondering what everyone is doing? :)

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Where are you getting the rum cakes from?

Oriental Trading has some good deals on their bags right now, I'm buying the tropical Hibiscus print that come in multi colours 12 for $10, I think it's a pretty good deal.


Originally Posted by Sllefebvr View Post

We are also having a lot of people travel down with us. We are going to end up making about 40 bags. The oot bags do get very expensive... I have been adding things up and the cost keeps rising and rising... We are staying at an All Inclusive Resort, so I am not adding any snacks except Tortuga Rum Cakes because it is something I know the resort will not be offering. I am not including any kits with sunscreen/advil as I believe all of our guests will pack that. We are adding underwater cameras something fun I know 90% of people will not bring. We are adding Acrylic Tumblers with Straws for all adults but not children, Squeeze bottles for the children. Godiva also sells macaroons that are to die for!! They are pretty decent sized and one person cannot eat a whole one so we are adding one of those to each bag. We bought small packs of bubbles for the children and I am designing dry erase door hangers for each room for guests to leave each other messages. I am NOT going to do beach bags unless I can find decent ones that are pretty inexpensive, I think it is just going to be plain white bags!



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We are doing the same, We thought the guys would use the bags themselves, but are still giving them to the single gents so we have something to put everything in!

The kids are getting their own as well, I'm trying to find a cheap beachy back pack maybe clear or something like that. 

We are also not making everyone identical, but putting thing in that that each person would enjoy. The general stuff like key holders and resort/island info. will be included in everyones.  


Originally Posted by beachbum21 View Post

Question for all you ladies - are you making one bag per person or one bag per couple?

We're going to make one per couple and double up on anything like chapstick if we add that. Also, might make a completely different one for kids with beach toys, bubbles are a great idea! And maybe coloring books/crayons.


Just wondering what everyone is doing? :)


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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I think OOT bags are nice gesture and I agree with Schmizer in this economy we are asking our friends and family to travel hundreds of miles and pay hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars to come to our weddings.  My hope is that people will keep the OOT bag, but if they don't I don't care...the bag and whatever I put in there is a fraction of the cost it took for them to come to my wedding.  I would rather give them a bag they could re-use rather than wedding favors that I know will collect dust or get left in a hotel room.  Additionally, I have been to more than one resort and they do not provide free pepto, motrin etc.  This stuff is useful when traveling to another country and at the resort it can cost 4 times the amount we would normally pay at home...


Just my two cents...but like the others bride said to each their own...it is your wedding after all. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

This is so interesting to read!

I think we will do modified OOT bags... they are going to be really nice, and act as favours. I do not think we will do the first-aid or hangover kits.... we do not have many people coming, and those who are are really organized, seasoned travelers. Maybe I will just pack more bandaids, tylenol, etc., and let people know I have them...

We ARE buying bubba kegs for each person, and filling them with little things... decks of cards, spf lip chap, epns, and postcards. We are only personalizing the bubbas for the bridal party; everyone else just gets tags. I made a very detailed passport information/games packet for each couple too.

PLUS we are giving each couple a thin, pocket-size video camera. They were on a ridiculously good sale. 

I do not think most of the items in the OOT bags would be used by our guests, including the bags themselves (though I am giving bags to the bridal party). I would much rather spend the money on really nice things for them than on little things, but that is just me and our guests.


There is a lot of drama with our wedding, and it will only get worse as the engagement goes on. I really, really want the people who make the effort to come know that they are really appreciated.

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For me, I am torn between doing an OOT bag and buying everyone an excursion so that we all can go on a trip together. 

It is more money for sure, considering an excursion per person would be around $50-70 (chichen itza tour), but the guests came all the way spending more than a thousand dollars, and I think buying them an excursion can be a better gift. 

I may go for a simple OOT bag, such as one SPF lipbalm and a wrist key chain with a thank you card. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am anti-OOT and think paying for an excursion for all of your guests is a great idea! With that being said, the amount of people that are coming should be kept at a manageable amount. Not to offend anyone who is doing OOT bags! I have seen a bunch of them on here and you all have had some awesome ideas! I did consider doing them but we are having 70 people coming and I couldn't see how we would get them down there plus the costs REALLY add up (I researched a few potential items). You can get a really great group deal on excursions if you are thinking about going that route. I always felt guilty for not doing OOT bags but feel better after seeing lots of you also aren't doing them. Instead we are paying for all of our guests to do a catamaran excursion, we think it will be a blast!

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