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Why does NOTHING ever go to plan?!

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Throughout mine and my fiance's whole relationship, every plan made, has fallen through. And since we both live 5000 miles apart, plans are pretty essential.


He was supposed to be getting a fiance visa to come to my country and get married there, but that fell through due to a lot of different reasons (some of which he is still waaay too bitter about for my liking), so I took a year out of school and came to America for 6 months instead. I HAVE to be back in my own country and at school in Sept this year, or my whole degree is over, so that part is non-negotiable.


While in America, we decided that the simplest option would be to elope to Canada (3rd party country, no visa required), then I'd fly home from there and he'd return to his home, file for a marriage visa, and follow on behind. Perfect plan, right?


Wrong! We're a young and fairly poor couple, so we're on a waaay tight budget (especially when considering the flight costs and the $1000+ marriage visa), we don't know anyone in Canada, and we're looking at February. So basically, our best option is getting married in the marriage commissioners home. Number one on the list of commisioners like that is Ann Moore. I get in contact with her...she's on holiday during our dates. I then spend a LOT of time scouring the internet, join TWO message boards, and finally find out about Harry Marusyk. He sounds great, friendly, prompt email replies, offered his wife and daughter as witnesses without even asking...great stuff!


Me and my fiance discussed what date we wanted (ok, he told me he didn't care, it wasn't a special date until we MADE it special, so *I* picked a date), and I emailed Harry asking if that date was ok for him or what would work out if not. I got an email back from him asking if we could do the 10th. Well...that would mean leaving 2 days earlier than we thought, and spending 9 days in Canada...so I either have to fly out 2 days earlier, or we have to spend 9 nights there which would be expensive.

So I sent ANOTHER email asking what other dates he could do, just so I know if we have any options. I just got a reply, saying that the 17th at 6pm was another option...well that is the DAY BEFORE I'm due to fly and leave him behind...AHHH!!


And Harry's emails are getting a little shorter and less friendly, so I think I'm really winding him up and I don't want to alienate him as he's going out of his way to provide our witnesses and his own home...


I'm sooo confused and frustrated right now!! And my fiance is out at work, so I'm trying to email him and figure it out, but he's obviously busy and not able to reply...Why us!? Why does it NEVER go to plan?!?!

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