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Midwest Brides Unite!


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Where are you getting your bags from?


We just finished playing around with our honeymoon registry after an all-out brawl with my parents about registering at all.  My Mom is really passive about most things!  I am shocked she got all up in arms about us having a no gift policy!


Anyway, let me know what you think...


She and I compromised on the wording on our website, directing guests here...


It says:


This registry has been the toughest part of our wedding planning. First and foremost, because we are laden with your love and support and don't need much more. And also because we feel so grateful that so many of you are coming all the way to Maui to be with us on our special day. 

We honestly considered trying to have a "no gifts" policy, but after speaking to some of our family and friends, realized that wasn't realistic. Let it be clear that your presence and/or support is the best gift that we could receive and that no more is expected.

As two "thirty-somethings" that have combined two households of "stuff", we currently have one (or in some cases, two) of everything we could possibly need to furbish a home. We are both repetitively told how difficult we are to buy gifts for due to our love--OK, LIZA'S love--of impulse buying:) Therefore, what we would really love an opportunity for is adventure and amazing memories. 

In lieu of tangible goods, we suggest donating to our honeyfund. We have put together the most amazing honeymoon on Kauai and Oahu complete with some incredible adventures that we are planning to celebrate our new life together. If you would like to treat us to something that we have planned, it would be greatly appreciated!


And here is the registry site...




The thing I struggled with the most was trying to guests to understand that we weren't looking for them to provide us with a free honeymoon.  We are planning on doing all of these activities regardless of "help" from our friends and family.  It is all budgeted...  Not sure how to get that across!


PS!  I FINALLY posted a pic, just for you Illinois girls.  Hee hee!  Bet you can't guess where it was taken:)

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Originally Posted by schmizer View Post




Welcome, Beach Bride!


I say, let your mom run with it:)  I think getting into the island mantra ("No worries") is the way to go!  Have you had a chance to look up all the fun Jamaican proverbs yet?  Some of them are hilarious!  What a fun and beautiful place to get married... 


I haven't looked at Jamaica proverbs yet, but was planning to.  I want to include some in my welcome brochure.  So excited!!!

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Hi Midwest Brides,


My name is Paula and FI is Patrick.  You guys were talking about funny names,  my last name will be changing to start with a "S"  thus making me "PMS",  I cant wait for the jokes to start with that one.  We live in a suburb of Detroit.  Were getting married June 22,2011 in Costa Rica.  


Thanks Schmiz for starting this thread. I look forward to seeing everyones progress as we get closer to our big day. 


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Hi ladies! I'm going to add St Louis to this Midwest mix! We actually live in a suburb of St Louis called Millstadt, IL, a small German town. We've been engaged since September 2009 and are getting married June 10, 2011 at Cabo del Sol Golf Club in Cabo San Lucas! After such a long engagement we're so excited that the wedding is getting very close! So much left to do!

I noticed some June 2011 brides here...have your guests purchased airfare yet? I noticed in the last month it continues to creep up to over $100 more than what we purchased ours for. I'm getting a little nervous that it's not going to drop again and am curious to know your experiences!

Happy Planning Everyone!

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Hi Donie and Welcome!


I've also noticed the same thing.  The bad part is we haven't even booked our trip yet.  The reason behind that though is when we started this process the Paradisus owned the hotel we are getting married at.  About a month after I put down our deposit it was announced that they would be giving up there lease and another hotel would be taking it over.  So then I had to wait and see who.  Finally Westin said they would take over the resort, the problem then was that they weren't taking reservations.  UGH!  We wanted to wait because sometimes as a packages it's cheaper but with the hotel not taking reservations no packages.  Finally on New years Day they started taking reservations, so I have my TA working on it now.


 I still don't know if they will offer any wedding packages or what the rates for the wedding will be.  Neither does the actual resort.  I would have changed locations but in October we went down there to do a pre site visit and loved it.  I really wanted to keep this location even if it was owned by another company.  But dealing with this take over had been a HUGE PAIN.  I haven't even sent out STD or anything because I didn't really know what was going to happen.  


Oh yea back to your question,  I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed that they start going down again.

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