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Midwest Brides Unite!


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I just now found this thread, so I must introduce myself. My name is Michelle and my FI is Paul. We live just 1/2 hour south of Milwaukee, WI in a small town and are both teachers. Our wedding is in Punta Cana, DR on July 14, 2011. I started out as a pretty strong planner, and as the cabin fever days of winter are dragging by I've lost the motivation to get stuff done. My next step is BM dresses.... which I know will be a HUGE headache.

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LOL well at least you did it right!  I don't remember being annoyed by you merrylee!  HAHAHAHAHA  But seriously, I think she got her 150 in 1 day.

Originally Posted by merrylee View Post

I got to my 150 posts in less than a month.  I was super excited to find all these amazing threads and there was so much amazing information that it wasn't hard, plus I found that movie game forum post and I am a movie freak and that helped out so much.

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I know exactly how you feel regarding the people who haven't booked.  All my family and friends are booked, but not 1 person on his side!  He has a friend and his wife booked, that's it.  Everyone needs to be booked by April 1st.  We'll see what happens!  His brother just got married last weekend, but comeon, they could have at least put their deposit in a long time ago!  My biggest issue for my side is trying to get people to book flights.  Watching gas prices go up day after day doesn't motivate you to get them now?  AAGH! LOL

Originally Posted by SeeFlowers View Post

awe thanks! wink.gif   Yes, I'm VERY excited. 55 more days...I have a dress fitting today and I'm little nervous. I've been working out like crazy because I gained a little weight after I bought the dress...sooo, hopefully its all good.  There is so much stuff for me to still do before the wedding and its just really hard because FI has been working and living in Philadelphia for the last month. In fact,  there is still like 12 people on the "unsure" list if they are going to the wedding! 12!!!!!  And guess what? They are all his friends and he is supposed to be taking care of it. Has he? Uhhh, NO! All these people I don't know so its not like I can handle it. That is probably one of the biggest reasons for my anxiety. How am I supposed to do the OOT bags if 12 people haven't been confirmed? Man, my post started off so positive and now look at me...venting! Lol!







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Welcome Yuri!  


And Beach and See, I'm in the same boat too.  I just want 1 person to put their deposit  down.  Just one, is that asking too much?  Granted our wedding is still 14 months away, I NEED one person besides FI and myself to book so that I feel that all this work I've been doing is worth it.  Otherwise I've wasted time and money caring about the people who *might* be going. :(  Sorry for my freak out it's just everyone was so gung ho about the wedding and now it's like where are all my peeps at?

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LOL You made me laugh with, 'where are all my peeps at?" LOL But no worries about venting, this is exactly where you're suppose to be doing it at!  LOL Coming from the bride who vents here all the time! :)

Originally Posted by merrylee View Post

And Beach and See, I'm in the same boat too.  I just want 1 person to put their deposit  down.  Just one, is that asking too much?  Granted our wedding is still 14 months away, I NEED one person besides FI and myself to book so that I feel that all this work I've been doing is worth it.  Otherwise I've wasted time and money caring about the people who *might* be going. :(  Sorry for my freak out it's just everyone was so gung ho about the wedding and now it's like where are all my peeps at?


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