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January 2012 Brides!


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So I am trying to finalize gifts for my parents and am having a heck of a time thinking of one for my mother. I was going to get her earrings and a necklace for the wedding day but then she told me she went out and bought some the other day. so now I am stumped. I got my dad this amazing Rotary watch that is a dual timezone (the middle part rotates and has 2 different faces) as they live in Canada half of the year then the US the other half so thought it would be handy. Here's a few pics:






Any suggestions for my mom??

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mllek1986, for my mom I'm paying to have her hair done on the wedding day, but the day before I'm taking her to this spa in PV that's suppose to be really good. Also I was thinking of taking her to swim with dolphins, it's something she has talked about my how life and she has never had an opportunity to do so. Something that just the two of us will do and also after the wedding we're making wedding books for both sets of parents as a gift too. Just thought I would share what I'm doing. Does your mom like jewellery, you could still get her something like that to wear anytime?

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I used the wedding wire seating chart maker, I need to make the cards or something though for the names! Ack, I didn't really think of that.  >.<


It's coming up so soon, I really need to get one that.  :D


25 Days, I really need to make a list, and get on it.  Eek.

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hey brides.... totally off topic, but my fiance entered a video contest explaining why he has the best job in the world... unfortunately, the winner is based off of votes (hate those kind of contests-ugh) :) anyways, if you don't mind clicking the link below and voting, we would appreciate it... on another note, I have 41 days left! ahhhhh can't wait.. only thing left to do is programs and figure out how we can get these chinese wishing lamps to the DR (anyone else using those).... oh and I need to maintain my weight over Christmas so that I can still fit into my dress (eeek)....right now, I need to suck in twice to zip it but it fits like a glove



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For my mom I got a picture of me and her from when i was a kid and got a picture frame that has two pictures in it, and then on the other side i am going to put a pic of us from my wedding, it is not expensive but she is going to love it


Originally Posted by mllek1986 View Post

So I am trying to finalize gifts for my parents and am having a heck of a time thinking of one for my mother. I was going to get her earrings and a necklace for the wedding day but then she told me she went out and bought some the other day. so now I am stumped. I got my dad this amazing Rotary watch that is a dual timezone (the middle part rotates and has 2 different faces) as they live in Canada half of the year then the US the other half so thought it would be handy. Here's a few pics:






Any suggestions for my mom??


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I got my Boudoir pics back!! And I love them!

Created a book on MyPictureBook.ca yesterday to give to G just before we leave (hopefully it comes in time!).

The photographer was my cousin who is still learning but does amazing portraits.



We also got his shirt and vest from studio suits in today! A week and half later!

Can't wait for hime to try them on!


I hope everyone is taking some time to enjoy the holidays and not stressing about the wedding.

Even though we leave in 2 weeks, I've decided to focus on Christmas for the next few days and enjoy the time with family.



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In case anyone is looking for a playlist, here is mine (keep in mind, we are an r&b type wedding).  Anyways, dinner and dancing music only has some selections of music to give our dj an idea of what we want.  All of our specific songs are picked out except the introduction of the bride and groom since we are still trying to figure that out - anyways - hope this is helpful to someone as I've been stressing over this music for a while now...let me know if you have an amazing introduction song that is not Black Eyed Peas and preferably something I can shake my booty to ;)







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Thanks for sharing this.  I'm just starting to put my music together and this will be so helpful!


Originally Posted by MsClarke724 View Post

In case anyone is looking for a playlist, here is mine (keep in mind, we are an r&b type wedding).  Anyways, dinner and dancing music only has some selections of music to give our dj an idea of what we want.  All of our specific songs are picked out except the introduction of the bride and groom since we are still trying to figure that out - anyways - hope this is helpful to someone as I've been stressing over this music for a while now...let me know if you have an amazing introduction song that is not Black Eyed Peas and preferably something I can shake my booty to ;)








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Looks great!!  Luckily (or unluckily?) The FI started a new job last week, so he has to work through Christmas now.  Our friends that were supposed to come out decided they wouldn't come since he's working (night shift, so sleeping during the day), so its just me for Christmas! Hopefully I'll be able to get things done, then the week after I get to see all my family and such, so I'm not to worried about it. :)


Here is my favourite shot from my boudoir session




and one more for good luck  :)



Originally Posted by J and G 2012 View Post

I got my Boudoir pics back!! And I love them!

Created a book on MyPictureBook.ca yesterday to give to G just before we leave (hopefully it comes in time!).

The photographer was my cousin who is still learning but does amazing portraits.



We also got his shirt and vest from studio suits in today! A week and half later!

Can't wait for hime to try them on!


I hope everyone is taking some time to enjoy the holidays and not stressing about the wedding.

Even though we leave in 2 weeks, I've decided to focus on Christmas for the next few days and enjoy the time with family.




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