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Oops! Our wedding is planned on a Mexican holiday!

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So my FI was just looking at a calendar at work that includes Mexican holidays on it and noticed that the day we are getting married is a holiday! It's Monday, March 21st which is apparently Benito Juarez' birthday- a famous president. No one has mentioned this to us including our WC so I'm hoping it's not going to be a big deal but we were hoping to get married on the beach (in Sayulita) and then have the reception at our villa but I'm wondering if the beach is going to be really packed because of the holiday. Does anyone know anything about this holiday? Any info would be greatly appreciated!

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I agree with AfricanVenus, I would definitely check with your wedding coordinator.  I know at our resort, the paperwork specifically says we cannot have our wedding the week of any holiday (because they can't get the ministers to do it).  We are getting married the Friday after Easter and I checked with the WC to make sure we'd be okay (and we are). 


Definitely see what the WC says...  Good luck!!

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Thanks girls! I e-mailed my WC and she said that it is the end of a long weekend (kind of like Labor Day or Memorial Day here) but my wedding isn't until 6pm so the beach will be dirty but not crowded. There was already a beach cleaning fee included in our budget- I guess I just didn't realize what it was for. So glad she's on top of things cuz obviously I'm not!

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