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Moon Palace 2012 Brides

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Nice, we were thinking of the Excellence as well.  However; FI had the final say which I don't mind since I have the final say in the majority of the planing ;-)

Originally Posted by Sdamian1 View Post

We are honeymooning at the Excellence in Playa Mujeres :) LeBlanc looks beautiful!


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Ditto Merrylee, I know it will feel GRAND to be the Mrs.  ahhhh can't wait.

Originally Posted by merrylee View Post

Welcome Katie, congrats on choosing the MP for your wedding.  I am so excited and I still have 10 months to go.  


We are actually honeymooning at the MP too, we are taking 14 fabulous days and so far no guest is staying longer than 6 nights so it will be an amazing time when everyone goes home.  I am so looking forward to spending that time with my future hubby.


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Originally Posted by katiemorey View Post


Hi Everyone,


I'm also a Moon Palace 2012 bride. The wedding is booked for May 10, 2012, which seems so very far away right now. I stayed at Moon Palace for a week in November 2010 and absolutely fell in love with it. I'm planning on doing OTT bags for my guests and would love any suggestions or helpful hints from anyone who is attempting or has already done the same thing. Looking forward to learning alot from this website.


Welcome Katie! We are all on here to help each other with our planning. The wealth of knowledge and ideas that I have gained from some of these wonderful ladies is unmeasurable! Many of the previous reviews have great OTT bags and ideas. I cannot tell you how many hours I have spent on this website, you will not be disappointed. Welcome, again!

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Originally Posted by mochamakes3 View Post


Coconoir - We found the best prices for April flights were late October, early November. They started to go up around Christmas because people start booking their spring vacations. And yes, usually Tuesday and Wednesday are the best days to check prices. That's when the airlines release specials or sales. Don't forget to try to find charter flights.


Mocha - I have been struggling as to when to book my flight for my March 24th wedding...so maybe September(?) Thanks also for staying active on this site. Even though you are already a wifey, you continue to give us your guidance and share your experiences. I cannot thank you enough!

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I thought of more, Sdamian I would hope there would be seashells but with the tractor that goes up and down the beach I wonder if many survive BUT with that inspiration...


Picture of the Beach Palace from the Beach with a guest

Picture of *guest* holding a conch shell

Picture of the Cancun Palace Pools with guest

Picture of guest at Chichen Itza

Picture of guest at Tulum

Picture of guest ziplining

Picture of our photographer taking a picture of us on our wedding day



Originally Posted by merrylee View Post

With our invites out and responses coming back, I am wishing that my wedding was closer ;)  FI and I were out to dinner tonight and were trying to think of fun ideas for our photo scavenger hunt. So far we've come up with:


Picture of an iguana

Picture of a tropical bird

Para sailer

Picture of *guest* out on the pier

Picture of *guest* on the life guard tower

Picture of B & G playing mini golf *our first date*

picture of the event board on 4/17/12 *our wedding day*

Picture of *guest* at the swim up bar

group picture of shot rail




Can anyone else think of some fun things?  


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JLCarrera, I'm still trying to plan our AHR, so I come on here to look for ideas. I also know how lost you can sometimes feel with the lack of contact with the resort so I try to offer my input.


Merry Lee, your guests will probably have better luck finding a seashell in the gift shop. Also, they don't want you to bring your own camera on ziplining. I brought ours anyways and it was really hard to get a picture because you move so fast. They do take a picture of each person at one of the stations and you can purchase it for $10. Maybe a picture of a guest drinking the cocktail of the day with the sign?

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Planning the AHR I have come to think is the hardest part!! We can't decide when to do it or where, which is the biggest issue. We want the venue to be decent so we do not have to decorate much! I think we are trying to do a Mexican Fiesta style reception, with a spread of mexican food, appetizers and cocktails. The AHR forum hasn't been much help yet!

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lol I went to cancun last year and came home with five awesome conch shells bigger than my hand..of course I had to put goggles on and look bc they weren't in the sand..that's the reason I said that. I guess they I got extremely lucky with my find.

Originally Posted by mochamakes3 View Post

JLCarrera, I'm still trying to plan our AHR, so I come on here to look for ideas. I also know how lost you can sometimes feel with the lack of contact with the resort so I try to offer my input.


Merry Lee, your guests will probably have better luck finding a seashell in the gift shop. Also, they don't want you to bring your own camera on ziplining. I brought ours anyways and it was really hard to get a picture because you move so fast. They do take a picture of each person at one of the stations and you can purchase it for $10. Maybe a picture of a guest drinking the cocktail of the day with the sign?


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We will be planning one too, and our first pass at it has not been easy! We're thinking of a local Mexican restaurant, or else one with a roof top terrace...

Originally Posted by kris10kay View Post

Planning the AHR I have come to think is the hardest part!! We can't decide when to do it or where, which is the biggest issue. We want the venue to be decent so we do not have to decorate much! I think we are trying to do a Mexican Fiesta style reception, with a spread of mexican food, appetizers and cocktails. The AHR forum hasn't been much help yet!


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thats too funny! My FI is actually a diva and is getting everything his way for the wedding meanwhile I am too laid back haha..so I got to choose the honeymoon spot!

Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

Nice, we were thinking of the Excellence as well.  However; FI had the final say which I don't mind since I have the final say in the majority of the planing ;-)



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