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Moon Palace 2012 Brides

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Hi All! Can anyone tell me where to buy and how much is a good price to spend on all the little travel/trial sized medications for OOT bags?  We are at just under 100 days (and of course, people are still lolligagging, which is driving me bananas!!) so I know I need to start now.  I, too, will be having my friends set up our decorations, b/c there is NO way I am paying Moon Palace any more money than I already am.  All of these new fees are just ridiculous!  Also, has anyone heard about this new rule for outside vendors - if you can get them in, you have to pay for 2 nights???

Thanks in advance!


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May I suggest Costco, Sams, or BJs if you have a lot of people. It will save you $$. I also did amazon.

Hi All! Can anyone tell me where to buy and how much is a good price to spend on all the little travel/trial sized medications for OOT bags?  We are at just under 100 days (and of course, people are still lolligagging, which is driving me bananas!!) so I know I need to start now.  I, too, will be having my friends set up our decorations, b/c there is NO way I am paying Moon Palace any more money than I already am.  All of these new fees are just ridiculous!  Also, has anyone heard about this new rule for outside vendors - if you can get them in, you have to pay for 2 nights???

Thanks in advance!


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90 days right, the are so lame. I'm 57 days out and had to put my foot down to find out WTH was going on.

Thanks for the update Coco!!!  Seriously unbelievable!  I am getting a little frustrated with the turn around.  So, now I have no idea who I need to contact???  And I certainly do not expect them to contact me at my 90 days, which is next week!  uugghh!!!!


Thanks for the e-mail Lee!!


Summer-Duluth is beautiful!!!

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Check Facebook:-) ttyl

Thanks for the update Coco!!!  Seriously unbelievable!  I am getting a little frustrated with the turn around.  So, now I have no idea who I need to contact???  And I certainly do not expect them to contact me at my 90 days, which is next week!  uugghh!!!!


Thanks for the e-mail Lee!!


Summer-Duluth is beautiful!!!

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I am seriously wondering how brides get their stuff to Mexico without having a nervous breakdown - I have 2 suitcases so far and it does not include 1 OOT bag which looks like it will take 2 or 3 suitcases.I have the bags filled I should definitely empty them and assemble when I get there right??? I still haven't packed 1 starfish of which I have so many that it is scary. I have 25 - 8"-10", 20+ 6" , 20+ 4", and 25 of small ones and another 25 of even smaller ones. I have just been buying them with no thought to what I was doing uggh. I am going to have to leave more than half home along with tons of shells and lion pawsmsncry.gif.

One week until I leave and I finally started worrying about my suitcase and my clothes lol. At least I started that today. Tomorrow is my hair trial so I am excited about that woot.gif


Any thoughts (Coco lol) on what menu. I had originally picked italian because all the reviews say it is the best but I am not crazy about it.. I think I like international and add the beef medallions. Any thoughts???


I am a nervous wreck lol just wanted to share with the only people who could possible understand stupid.gif




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Oh my friend, do fret I know that you will work it out.  Definitely assemble the bags when you are there (the main reason I asked the bridal party to get there Wed or Thurs.)  That way your contents, especially the bags can lay flat.  Also, not to put all the burden on your and FI, see if your daughter would take a suitcase and/or any other person that will be there at least a day or 2 before the wedding. 


As far as menu choices FI and I picked the International menu, as we thought it would give the best fit to our guests. Nevertheless, there is always the 24hr room service ;-)  that will be a fail safe for those picky picky persons. 

Originally Posted by ladydi1844 View Post

I am seriously wondering how brides get their stuff to Mexico without having a nervous breakdown - I have 2 suitcases so far and it does not include 1 OOT bag which looks like it will take 2 or 3 suitcases.I have the bags filled I should definitely empty them and assemble when I get there right??? I still haven't packed 1 starfish of which I have so many that it is scary. I have 25 - 8"-10", 20+ 6" , 20+ 4", and 25 of small ones and another 25 of even smaller ones. I have just been buying them with no thought to what I was doing uggh. I am going to have to leave more than half home along with tons of shells and lion pawsmsncry.gif.

One week until I leave and I finally started worrying about my suitcase and my clothes lol. At least I started that today. Tomorrow is my hair trial so I am excited about that woot.gif


Any thoughts (Coco lol) on what menu. I had originally picked italian because all the reviews say it is the best but I am not crazy about it.. I think I like international and add the beef medallions. Any thoughts???


I am a nervous wreck lol just wanted to share with the only people who could possible understand stupid.gif





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Thanks for the info Coco!  I finally heard from Ivis last week- the one and only email I received and all she did was confirm my locations EXCEPT that they were not what I asked for!!!!  So I emailed her back to say it was wrong and to fix it but of course I didn't hear from her.  So I guess I will try to get them to give me someone else to talk to!

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Oh my two weeks and I missed 100s of posts! Had our secret wedding this week!!! Now fi(h) finally has insurance, can go to dr. And dentist! Beatriz told me no contract since our ceremony is symbolic. So I hope I get locations I requested! Does anyone know what the say at ceremony? My only DIY so far is making bouquets. I figure I have plenty of time to practice. http://www.etsy.com/listing/79435144/paper-flower-bridesmaid-bouquet-purple?ref=cat_gallery_15 I wonder if I can sell mine after for ridic price on etsy?? These flowers are super easy to make if anyone wants easy lightweight decor! Invites have been out for two weeks and only FI family has booked :( Can't wait for pics from those of u who just got married! Congrats!

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