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Moon Palace 2012 Brides

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I know!  That would be very nice......Do you take PATCO?  We are going in opposite directions.....too funny!


With regards to your programs....I agree....do not reprint the programs!

It seems that we as brides go above and beyond for everyone else for our special day.  I understand people are traveling and paying money to be a part of our day but we need to remember just that....IT"S OUR DAY (AND OUR FUTURE HUBBY'S).

PS -
If you need a WOOOSAAA moment before your wedding to meet for a drink or two....let me knowcheesy.gif!

Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

How opposite are we;-)  But, that's typical of the Tri-State area.  There are quite a few 2012 brides on here that are from Philly & NJ.  Maybe we should all meet for a happy hour in a central location (after our weddings of course).



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I so don't do public trans & that is crazy being that FI drives for Septa. I drive every day but, it works as I typically do site visits 3 days out of the week. Truthfully, besides my cousin & future DIL, I haven't had much drama or bridezilla moments. I'm typically a stress free kinda girl until the day of something & then my stomach is in knots. For me it's all about Strategy, Planning, Timing, etc. that way I don't become too Type A. Hell I can use a drink anytime :/) this week will be hectic but let's plan. How awesome

I know!  That would be very nice......Do you take PATCO?  We are going in opposite directions.....too funny!


With regards to your programs....I agree....do not reprint the programs!

It seems that we as brides go above and beyond for everyone else for our special day.  I understand people are traveling and paying money to be a part of our day but we need to remember just that....IT"S OUR DAY (AND OUR FUTURE HUBBY'S).


PS -

If you need a WOOOSAAA moment before your wedding to meet for a drink or two....let me knowcheesy.gif!

Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post



How opposite are we;-)  But, that's typical of the Tri-State area.  There are quite a few 2012 brides on here that are from Philly & NJ.  Maybe we should all meet for a happy hour in a central location (after our weddings of course).





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They are so not worth it you being upset! I can totally relate and life goes on it's all about you. I would personally invite them still but not expect them to come..hope you are doing well!

Originally Posted by Jamie5280 View Post

Hi guys!


So I need to vent a little...I am pretty sure that my friendship with 2 people has come to an end! msncry.gif   This has been a long time coming because of the awful things they have done and said to me over the past 3 almost 4 years so I am not sure why I am sad!?!?!  They both have decided not to come to my wedding, which I thought I got over until yesterday.  (Oh and they are best friends, which means they gang up and talk sh*t about me every time they get together!!!)  One of the girls and I were supposed to get together and she canceled on me 4 times, which means she obviously doesn't want to see me, and she never contacted me to re-schedule again!  (and like I am going to contact her again! ) The other one, I finally told her that my feelings are hurt that I don't have ONE friend coming, and I got snide comments back, so I kind of stopped being polite and now she won't talk to me!!!  HA!  But the kicker is, I know they go around talking about me and how it's all my fault they our friendship is flailing!  NO accountability on their end whatsoever!  I haven't been the "bestest" friend at all times, but I would never do and say some of the things they have.  So I am sure you asking yourselves, why would you want to stay friends???  We were College roommates and friends for 15 yrs and were sooo close until I moved to Houston over 3 year ago, I keep waiting for things to change.


Ok, thanks for letting me vent, I am trying and trying not to let them get to me, but I just can't get over it!


So now I have a question, do I invite them to my bridal shower and bach. party!?  It's a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenario.  I am the bad person if I don't invite them, but I am pretty sure they won't come anyways!  Which will p*ss me off all over again!


Thanks again for letting me vent!!!!!!!!  I just need to talk it out sometimes and I can't trust anyone else~!  Funny, right!?  that I trust you guys over people I have knows for years!!!!!  xoxoxohug2.gif

She is definitely not mature! People have no courtesy and quickly forget everything you did for them on their big day! and the ones that haven't gotten married don't understand what the big deal is lol...definitely a double edge sword! You handled this great though :)

Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

Hi Ladies,


I wanted to share with you the update on my cousin who isn't going to my wedding but still never said that she wasn't.  However; her mom (My Aunt) told my other Aunt that she wasn't.  stupid.gif


So, since I paid for all of the dress I thought it was only fair to ask that she pay for hers since she is no longer going to the wedding.  It took me a while to figure out the exact wording as my cousin finds everything that is not something that she initiates either offensive or beneath her. In either case after writing the below message (in Pink), and reading it to my Aunt and a friend who knows nothing about my cousin both said "it's great, not mean etc..  So I emailed her.


My message



I hope that you and Drew had a wonderful Holiday Season, and that this message finds you in good health mentally, physically, emotionally & spiritually.

This communication; although hesitantly written, is unfortunately necessary. There is so much that I would like to say and ask of you, however; without wanting things to be misconstrued I will not. Yet, I pray that whatever the reason that we do not have your support will be discussed in time.

With that said, I ask that you reimburse me the cost of the dress, which is $268. I believe that this is far as it was advised that the purchase of the bridesmaids dress was a gift to say “Thank you†and to help offset the cost for attending our wedding. Since, you will not attend, coupled with the fact that there was plenty of communications and time to decline your involvement prior to my purchasing the dress, this is all that I ask and hope that this is acknowledged.

You can remit payment in whichever manner you choose, however; I am set-up on PayPal as [email protected]. Once payment is received, I will be more than happy to send the dress your way.

Thank you for your time an attention to this sensitive matter.


Today I received her response (in blue)




The check is in the mail! I made it an even $300 and please don't send the dress. I have absolutely NO use for it and perhaps someone else can wear it in your wedding. With that being said, I find it borderline offensive that you assumed that I would not reimburse you since I'm completely aware of how expensive weddings can be.

Best Regards,
Nikki King


And here is my response (pink)


Nikki, I assumed you would find any communication to you offensive which is sad!

My communication with you has always been straightforward & not written in any angry or offensive manner. Yet, since you HAVE NOT communicated to me at all regarding my wedding (which I find insulting & offensive to say the least especially after all that I did to be a part of your day) & given that we are all busy, I sent an email to say "hey can you resolve this" that was it! Nothing more & nothing less. You should know me better than that but given the tone in your response, I gather you do not.

Again, no spite, hate etc. this is not about you, or your day but MINE!

May your heart, mind, & burdens be light! As I was NEVER or will ever be against you!!!!!!!


Unfortunate as this is (and she is family), it shows you that no one is exempt.  Not even those of us who uphold our commitments to friends and family.  So hopefully the check is in the mail & I will put the dress on eBay to try and recoup for more. 




I agree with everyone else...no re-printing of the programs! you had a deadline for a reason..she is lucky she even gets to stand next to you if you choose!

Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

Extra Extra Read all about it!!!  



After much to do about a whole lot of nothing, my future DIL applied for her passport today!  FI is so excited and has an extra pep in his step which is so great to see.

Now, you know that I have already said (after her and my cousin missed the deadline of 12/1, and after so many "hey we need an answer") that she wasn't going to be a bridesmaid.  And heck she didn't have her passport anyway so it was a done deal right?  Well, I'm not one to that will typically feel bad about a decision that I make, because more often that not, it is thought out, with the positive and negative outcomes weighed, etc.  Yet, with FI being so happy just by the mere fact that she applied, I think (if it comes up by her only) that I will allow her to be a bridesmaid.  After all, I still have her dress etc.. and since she is 19 I don't expect her to pay me for it. 


So for now, I will see if:

1) she contacts me, as she still haven't done so.  The text was only to her dad about the passport

2) if she contacts me and still want to be a bridesmaid I will allow her to be, however;

3) I am not paying new programs (as I can no longer print from work without being caught as Mr. Canon's new code tells on you.) So although she will be apart of the wedding if #1 & 2 happen in some fashion, her name will not appear in our wedding programs.  ***it is not an option at all for a reprint*** as I will not spend $$ on something that I was able to do for free.


What are your thoughts ladies?




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Welcome to the forum and congratulations dzaccaria!

Originally Posted by dzaccaria View Post

Hello girls! I have been following this thread for a while now (a little stalkerish?!) to get an idea of DIY projects and also just main things about the Moon Palace! I am going to book for May 2013. I jsut want to know how you went about the booking process! I saw on the website that I can put in a request for a specific date and time. Is that how everyone here did it? Or should I email someone specific?


Any info would be amazing!!! I cant wait to book a date and start planning!!!!


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Coco I agree with anudrm,


You asked her once to be in the wedding and she made choices that had her removed,so now it's definitly up to her to make the first move.


Originally Posted by anudrm View Post

Well hot dayum...I am glad that FI is so happy, it only took forever....but I guess it is better late than never.

As for the programs, NONONONONONO do not do a reprint, you gave both her and the cousin plenty of time to do the minimal.

If she brings it up and ask about it then allow her to be in your party, if not don't sweat it.  You've reached out to her many, many times.  Done deal!




Originally Posted by coconoir1908 View Post

Extra Extra Read all about it!!!  



After much to do about a whole lot of nothing, my future DIL applied for her passport today!  FI is so excited and has an extra pep in his step which is so great to see.

Now, you know that I have already said (after her and my cousin missed the deadline of 12/1, and after so many "hey we need an answer") that she wasn't going to be a bridesmaid.  And heck she didn't have her passport anyway so it was a done deal right?  Well, I'm not one to that will typically feel bad about a decision that I make, because more often that not, it is thought out, with the positive and negative outcomes weighed, etc.  Yet, with FI being so happy just by the mere fact that she applied, I think (if it comes up by her only) that I will allow her to be a bridesmaid.  After all, I still have her dress etc.. and since she is 19 I don't expect her to pay me for it. 


So for now, I will see if:

1) she contacts me, as she still haven't done so.  The text was only to her dad about the passport

2) if she contacts me and still want to be a bridesmaid I will allow her to be, however;

3) I am not paying new programs (as I can no longer print from work without being caught as Mr. Canon's new code tells on you.) So although she will be apart of the wedding if #1 & 2 happen in some fashion, her name will not appear in our wedding programs.  ***it is not an option at all for a reprint*** as I will not spend $$ on something that I was able to do for free.


What are your thoughts ladies?


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Has anyone heard any bad press about the Palace Resorts lately?

I've had one family member comment about a "recent killing" on one of the buses enroute to a resort... I've tried Googling but nothing came up.  I'm wondering if this family member is grasping at straws and just trying to guilt me or something...

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Hello Ladies! I need your opinions! 


I just found out that my future in-laws are Palace members.  I really want to book through a travel agent so I can save myself some headache (we are expecting anywhere from 30-50 people) but I know I can get a better room rate through their membership.  I know you also get perks from the membership.  Who has booked through a membership and would you do it again?  Feel free to PM me! Thanks ladies! :) 

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I'm using a Palace Membership and although its tough working with the Miami coordinator (she doesn't answer nearly as fast as Michelle did) the perks seem worth it!  Such as the free roundtrip to and from the airport, manicure, pedicure, and massage!

Originally Posted by shan0487 View Post

Hello Ladies! I need your opinions! 


I just found out that my future in-laws are Palace members.  I really want to book through a travel agent so I can save myself some headache (we are expecting anywhere from 30-50 people) but I know I can get a better room rate through their membership.  I know you also get perks from the membership.  Who has booked through a membership and would you do it again?  Feel free to PM me! Thanks ladies! :) 


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